What's the worst thing you hate about Vista ?



Probably been done before..anyway..

By far and away the most annoying thing that makes me suck air in
through my teeth is the awful replacement for Windows Explorer.

It is without a shadow of doubt the worst thing about Vista by far.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is an improvement over the
Windows Explorer that is part of Windows XP ?

I've tried a few times to try and get the new version to look and work
like the old version, but without much sucess, plus when I do get it
running half decent it seems to change itself back a few days later.

Anyone like it ? anyone at all ?

Other than that I've had Vista on for over a year now, I've resisted
the temptation to reach for the Windows XP setup disks, and I've even
almost grown to like it...albeit for the new Windows Explorer.

If there is anything that I could/would change it would be that.

Anyone any tips on what I could do, toehr than reach for a third party
overlay, which I really don;t want to do.


Mike Hall - MVP

Probably been done before..anyway..

By far and away the most annoying thing that makes me suck air in
through my teeth is the awful replacement for Windows Explorer.

It is without a shadow of doubt the worst thing about Vista by far.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is an improvement over the
Windows Explorer that is part of Windows XP ?

I've tried a few times to try and get the new version to look and work
like the old version, but without much sucess, plus when I do get it
running half decent it seems to change itself back a few days later.

Anyone like it ? anyone at all ?

Other than that I've had Vista on for over a year now, I've resisted
the temptation to reach for the Windows XP setup disks, and I've even
almost grown to like it...albeit for the new Windows Explorer.

If there is anything that I could/would change it would be that.

Anyone any tips on what I could do, toehr than reach for a third party
overlay, which I really don;t want to do.


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Mike Hall - MVP
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Joseph Meehan

There are only two things I hate about it.

It is different. I am a creature of habit. I have had it long enough
now that most everything is now comfortable again.

It is not fully compatible with all my my old programs, and not all of
them have yet or will never come out with a compatible program.


Probably been done before..anyway..

By far and away the most annoying thing that makes me suck air in
through my teeth is the awful replacement for Windows Explorer.

It is without a shadow of doubt the worst thing about Vista by far.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is an improvement over the
Windows Explorer that is part of Windows XP ?

I've tried a few times to try and get the new version to look and work
like the old version, but without much sucess, plus when I do get it
running half decent it seems to change itself back a few days later.

Anyone like it ? anyone at all ?

Other than that I've had Vista on for over a year now, I've resisted
the temptation to reach for the Windows XP setup disks, and I've even
almost grown to like it...albeit for the new Windows Explorer.

If there is anything that I could/would change it would be that.

Anyone any tips on what I could do, toehr than reach for a third party
overlay, which I really don;t want to do.

I have the same thoughts. As much as I see Vista as a nice improvement
overall, Windows Explorer was changed in some good ways and some bad ways. I
like the Address Bar design at the top of the window and the ability to
drop-down from any parent folder even if you're currently 8 folders deep.

However, the part about it that is just pissing me off to no end is the
Navigation Pane. I do a lot of file moving - especially of the organizing
variety. If I want to move a file to a specific location (for example, a
parent folder one tier above my current location), I have to Cut it,
navigate back to the folder I want it in, then Paste it there. I also
resorted to using the regedit tweak to add "Copy To..." and "Move To..."
context menu shells, but quite often that can get very tedious if I'm moving
several files around and using multiple destination folders.

What I consider an improvement usually means doing something to make
existing tasks easier to do. I do not consider re-inventing the wheel and
making it harder to turn an improvement by any stretch of the imagination.
It almost seems like Microsoft did not put enough thought into the many ways
Windows users might go about doing the various tasks.

The other major problem I'm having is with some sort of permissions that I
can't even seem to change. I'm running Vista Home Premium. Whenever I boot
up or login, I get an error message stating that Windows Defender couldn't
start. I also can't get my Sound Manager service to start even though ALL of
the services it depends on are verified to be running already. Needless to
say, I am without sound at the moment. When I get home from my trip, I'm
probably going to do a fresh re-install. If that doesn't fix my problem, I
think I'll be reverting back to XP.


Probably been done before..anyway..

By far and away the most annoying thing that makes me suck air in
through my teeth is the awful replacement for Windows Explorer.

It is without a shadow of doubt the worst thing about Vista by far.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is an improvement over the
Windows Explorer that is part of Windows XP ?

I've tried a few times to try and get the new version to look and work
like the old version, but without much sucess, plus when I do get it
running half decent it seems to change itself back a few days later.

Anyone like it ? anyone at all ?

Other than that I've had Vista on for over a year now, I've resisted
the temptation to reach for the Windows XP setup disks, and I've even
almost grown to like it...albeit for the new Windows Explorer.

If there is anything that I could/would change it would be that.

Anyone any tips on what I could do, toehr than reach for a third party
overlay, which I really don;t want to do.


UAC, but at least you can turn it off. Word is they are going to drop
it from 7.


Probably been done before..anyway..

By far and away the most annoying thing that makes me suck air in
through my teeth is the awful replacement for Windows Explorer.

It is without a shadow of doubt the worst thing about Vista by far.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is an improvement over the
Windows Explorer that is part of Windows XP ?

I've tried a few times to try and get the new version to look and work
like the old version, but without much sucess, plus when I do get it
running half decent it seems to change itself back a few days later.

Anyone like it ? anyone at all ?

Other than that I've had Vista on for over a year now, I've resisted
the temptation to reach for the Windows XP setup disks, and I've even
almost grown to like it...albeit for the new Windows Explorer.

If there is anything that I could/would change it would be that.

Anyone any tips on what I could do, toehr than reach for a third party
overlay, which I really don;t want to do.


I gave up on Explorer and got a neat replacement file manager called
xplorer2 at : www.zabcat.com. Works in both Vista and XP.


Hello Jughead:
Can you just open 2 explorer windows and drag the file from one to a new
position in the other window. I think I have done that without problems.

xiowan........in tucson

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