What parts of Windows XP need to be updated for my sound card to work?



I keep hearing that I may need to update Windows soemthings, maybe
drivers, for my Creative Soundblaster aubigny or something SE to work.
(I'm not at home where the specifics are.)

I did all updates on my computer from teh computer manufactuer, and I
tried updating the drivers for teh sound card I can't get to work.

What spefically in Windows would I need to update, and how would I
update it?

Is it true that I can and should reinstall Service Pack 2 without
wiping out my system and the other programs on it? If so, do I need
to uninstall it first?

Dora Smith
(e-mail address removed)

Yves Leclerc

the Audigy (SE) card requires that you have used the drivers that are on the
included CD Rom disk. Then, you can update these drivers from Creative Labs
web site. However, you need the CD Rom version of the drivers FIRST. If you
do not have the CD ROM, you need to contact Creative Labs in order to get a
copy. They do/will not publish a full driver package.


villandra said:
I keep hearing that I may need to update Windows soemthings, maybe
drivers, for my Creative Soundblaster aubigny or something SE to work.
(I'm not at home where the specifics are.)

I did all updates on my computer from teh computer manufactuer, and I
tried updating the drivers for teh sound card I can't get to work.

What spefically in Windows would I need to update, and how would I
update it?

Is it true that I can and should reinstall Service Pack 2 without
wiping out my system and the other programs on it? If so, do I need
to uninstall it first?

Dora Smith
(e-mail address removed)
What does the manual for the soundboard say about this issue?

So far, I can't see where you have given a reason to remove/reinstall SP2.



For the person who wrote I need to have the soundblaster install CD and
then update the drivers online, I ahve it and it's been done.

Manual for the soundblaster card, which I assume is what you're talking
about, says little of anything.

I specifically need to know what are these drivers that I find in my
system devices under multimedia, sound etc.;

Microsoft Kernel System Audio; Logitech driver lvusbstu.sys and
Microsoft sysaudio.sys; and

Microsoft WDM Audio Compatibility Driver; Logitech lvusbstu.sys and
Microsoft wdmaud.sys.
From the page below

it looks like these are Windows sound drivers (and clone Logitech
drivers) that do pretty much what my sound card drivers do, and could
be what is preventing it from working.

But I need to know what I am doing before I uninstall them.

Could someone please answer teh more important of my questions instead
of repetively telling me to plug my plugs in the right places adn get
the sound card install CD? ARGH!

Supporting my theory is that someone else trying not to answer the
question I asked, told me to download and install a utility called
Everest, which tells me what drivers I am actually using for what.

It says I am using two midi drivers; the one that came with my
Soundblaster card, and Device Identifier Device Description
midi-out.1 0001 0066 Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth, which is one of
the two files I specifically keep asking me about that people keep
speaking to everything else on God's green earth.

Now. What am I specifically supposed to do with those Windows and
Logitech drivers?

And if you tell me to read my manual again, I will fax it and send it
to you.


Dora Smith

OK. Everyone get ready to kill me. The sound driver system asks if you
actually want to play sound in six places, and in the sixth place, I had the
wrong box checked. It also asks if you have digital sound or analog sound
three times, and in the third place, I ahd the wrong box checked.

It works now!

Darned if I can make sense out of these drivers - I just spent an hour
writing them all out properly. Looks like Sound Blaster is playing sound
with a third of its own drivers and some of Windows'. Oh well.

But if anyone ever feels like explaining it, I'll be able to explain it to
someone else!

Dora Smith


I actually asked about Windows XP sound drivers, not Creative sound drivers.

I am getting the idea that the tech support world has some sort of issue
with the notion of clearly explaining to consumers how Windows XP sound
drivers and sound card drivers interact, and how to handle the Windows
drivers. Most tech support say to unintall ALL sound devices, and when
people do that, they end up reinstalling Windows, losing everything else,
and wondering why their sound card suddenly works.

I wouldn't do anything to the Windows sound devices in my system devices
until someone would tell me what they are, and I still need an explanation
in plain English as to what htey are. A utility someone suggested clearly
showed that my now working sound card is using some of the Windows drivers
along with some of its own.

Here is a discussion of the Windows sound drivers at
It is part of a larger discussion in extreme technicalese, and might as well
be written in Arabic. What the ___ is a kernel. No, don't explain.
Tell us how the sound drivers work without using vocabulary like that.

Can someone please explain in plain English what these Windows Sound drivers
are, how they interact with sound drivers, and when and how they would be
updated, as well as what to do if one already uninstalled them.

I also need to understand how to know which of your sound card drivers to
manually install. Many people cannot get Windows to install their sound
card drivers and have to do it manually, but the utility shows that my sound
card is only using half its own drivers. Probably the rest of the drivers
are for other operating systems or something.

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