What is wrong with Norton?


Bill P

No that's not me but I do have WinPatrol installed and I think it is

PA Bear said:
Uninstall it, run the removal tool, reboot, install, e.g., AntiVir and see
if performance improves after several more reboots.

[Bill, are you the author of WinPatrol Bill P?]

Bill said:
If it is a resource hog it doesn't seem to have any effect on my machine.
Never had any problems related to Norton as far as I know.

Bill P

Thanks to all who responded to my post. I have been using Norton for about 8
years now without any problems and I will probably continue to do so.
However I do appreciate all the comments and warnings from the anti - Norton
brigade but I feel sure that a lot of the problems are due to inherant
problems in the affected computers and not necessarily due to Norton.
Regards Bill


[Bill, are you the author of WinPatrol Bill P?]
PA Bear,  thanks for asking to clear up any confusion. You'll usually
see me as "BillP" or "BillPStudios".  I have a pretty strong opinion
on Norton being a resource hog but as a professional courtesy I
wouldn't necessarily post it in public. ;)
Bill Pytlovany

So... why are you trolling for other folks opinions?

Need material for an upcoming article?

I don't know if I like the term trolling, but I do have Google alerts
set up so that I'm alerted to any mention of WinPatrol. Most of the
time it's some kind of positive review but occasionally I'll find
someone who has a WinPatrol question and needs help.
As I wrote about on BitsFromBill.com I also check search.twitter.com
to look out for any customers who might need assistance. Just seems
like the smart thing to do.

Always great to meet another Bill P. ;)


Just last week I attempted to install Norton Ghost. It failed half way
through. I than attempted another install; was rudely informed that my
"Windows Installer" was not working. Also found that the program I use
for virus security "Trend Micro" was disabled. Now at boot up I get a
Run time error for my "Roxio" program. Can't uninstall or reinstall
anything now because of the "Windows Installer" problem. All thanks to



What do any of the four points I made are due to inherant problems in
the affected computers?


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Ken Blake, MVP

Thanks to all who responded to my post. I have been using Norton for about 8
years now without any problems and I will probably continue to do so.
However I do appreciate all the comments and warnings from the anti - Norton
brigade but I feel sure that a lot of the problems are due to inherant
problems in the affected computers and not necessarily due to Norton.
Regards Bill

As a member of the "anti-Norton brigade," let me mention that I too
happily used many Norton products, including NAV, for many years (well
over ten years). So I also pooh-poohed the advice of those people
(people who I otherwise highly respected) who recommended against it,
and told me that I had just been lucky not to yet have any problems.

Then one day I got hit with a severe Norton problem (sorry, it was
long-enough ago that I don't remember any details) that took me many
hours of work to solve.

Those people who recommended against it were absolutely right, as far
as I'm concerned. I haven't used it since, but I've seen similar
problems on many other computers.

Neither my problem nor those on any of the other computers were
"inherant [sic] problems in the affected computers." They were
problems with Norton. The insidious thing about Norton is that it can
very often go long periods of time without a problem. Then some
combination of conditions comes about and disaster results.

It's that going for long periods without problems that keep people
like you using it, and I clearly understand that, because I used to be
that kind of person too. But my strong advice to you is that you heed
the advice of me now and those who are like me, and recognize that
you've been lucky for a long period of time. If you stay with Norton,
one of these days disaster will likely strike you too.

I'll mention one other thing about Norton: you have to pay to use it.
There is free anti-virus software such as Avast that is better than

PA Bear [MS MVP]

[Bill, are you the author of WinPatrol Bill P?]
PA Bear, thanks for asking to clear up any confusion. You'll usually
see me as "BillP" or "BillPStudios". I have a pretty strong opinion
on Norton being a resource hog but as a professional courtesy I
wouldn't necessarily post it in public. ;)

Bill Pytlovany

Thanks, Bill, I didn't think it was you but then this isn't the first time
posts by "Bill P" have caused confusions.

db ´¯`·.. >

someone who with holds
their opinions or experience
so that others cannot benefit,
cannot be professional or

a hypocritical courtesy is
more like it.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces

[Bill, are you the author of WinPatrol Bill P?]
PA Bear, thanks for asking to clear up any confusion. You'll usually
see me as "BillP" or "BillPStudios". I have a pretty strong opinion
on Norton being a resource hog but as a professional courtesy I
wouldn't necessarily post it in public. ;)

Bill Pytlovany


Update on NIS Firewall problems I mentioned
in my earlier post.

After creating an Image Backup, I disabled the
NIS 2009 "Smart Firewall". Installed the free version of

Comodo also has some "smart" firewall features but
so far so good. Was able to go back to using my
custom HOST file without IE6 frequently locking up
when using Norton's firewall.

Will need to use the computer for a couple of days to
see if there are any unpleasant surprises. Keep in
mind that this PC is only a 933MHz Dell 4100.


Hogwash. One can withhold an opinion just to be polite.
db ´¯`·.. > said:
someone who with holds
their opinions or experience
so that others cannot benefit,
cannot be professional or

a hypocritical courtesy is
more like it.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces

[Bill, are you the author of WinPatrol Bill P?]
PA Bear, thanks for asking to clear up any confusion. You'll usually
see me as "BillP" or "BillPStudios". I have a pretty strong opinion
on Norton being a resource hog but as a professional courtesy I
wouldn't necessarily post it in public. ;)

Bill Pytlovany


Yes, I have use Norton Anti-Virus for years also but since Symantec
purchased Norton product is has gone completely down hill. Just Yesterday I
had to uninstall Norton Anti-Virus Corporate 7 from a old computer of mine.
I could not uninstall it since I did not remember the password and the
server it was attached to is no longer around. Even the Norton Removal Tool
would not remove this product. I had to manually go thru the registry to
delete any inferences to SYMANTEC and NORTON then delete the Norton and
Symantec folders then use the tool to get rid of it. It was easier to get
rid of viruses and malware...

I would not use their Anti-Virus products if I were paid to do so...

Randem Systems
Your Installation Specialist
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Bill P said:
I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products. Would
someone please explain what the problem is and not just complain that it
is a "resource hog".
Regards Bill

Like most products: a lot depends on what you expect from it and whether it
lives up to those expectations. Although I personally don't like Norton
products, I know of users who are entirely happy with Norton's Anti Virus
and Firewall software (the main target of critisism).

The main gripe comes from users who don't really have the resources to
adequately support it. Of course the real complaint is uninstalling it if
you decide you don't like it. There is a complex removal procedure that has
to be followed to completely remove it, but I am aware of more than one PC
that refused to even boot once it was removed.

Although you can use other people's opinions to guide you in your choice of
software, ultimately the only one that matters is your own.

Tom [Pepper] Willett

What's best for one is not necessarily the best for another. If you do a
little searching in these newsgroups, you'll see this topic is answered
constantly. You could also google for antivirus user reviews.

: Can you tell me what is the best antivirus software that is free to
: "Ian D" wrote:
: >
: > : > > On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:26:25 -0000, "Bill P" <[email protected]>
: > > wrote:
: > >
: > >>Doesn't noticeably slow my machine down.
: > >>It is also recommended by some reviewers.
: > >
: > > Around 2004/2005 they were pretty bad, however versions since then
: > > have got noticebly better, NIS 2008 and 2009 run just fine on the
: > > laptops in my household. The problem is the Norton bigots closed their
: > > minds years ago and are spouting outdated information.
: >
: > I agree. I have NIS 2009, and it now only uses one service
: > and three processes. The total memory footprint is about
: > 10MB. On OS startup NIS 2009 loads very quickly, and
: > updates are now very fast. The average takes about 10
: > seconds. As far as AV performance goes, NAV has been
: > one of the top detection performers at avcomparatives.
: >
: >
: >

Terry R.

The date and time was Friday, March 13, 2009 9:33:01 AM, and on a whim,
Karla pounded out on the keyboard:
Can you tell me what is the best antivirus software that is free to download?

Hi Karla,

Don't know if it's "best" (it's highly rated), but Antivir works well:

Terry R.


Great! I'll try AV. Maybe that will solve my problem on not having our
WINFAX work. Even though it is by the same company, somehow the 2 softwares
fight against one another.

Terry R.

The date and time was Friday, March 13, 2009 10:52:07 AM, and on a whim,
Karla pounded out on the keyboard:
Great! I'll try AV. Maybe that will solve my problem on not having our
WINFAX work. Even though it is by the same company, somehow the 2 softwares
fight against one another.

If you're talking about Winfax & Symantec AV, I don't know. They
shouldn't conflict with each other.

I use Winfax/Talkworks but a very old version, the one with phone
answering capabilities. It handles our faxes and dual phone lines very
well, and I can still use a USB modem with a Conexant chipset (that used
to be Rockwell) that keeps the old program happy (as it doesn't
recognize newer modems).

But if you're using an older version of SAV, AntiVir will make your
machine run better, and it's free. You will have a browser window that
pops up every time it updates (offering the premium version), but that's
a small annoyance, and really doesn't bother me because I know it's been

Terry R.

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