What I feel MM2 needs for deleting frames of movies



Hello.. When I try to cut-out certain "frames" (in the middle.. not at the ends which MM2 seems to be transfixed on)..of my videos --- ( for example.. when I leave my camera in "record" by mistake) I need an straight-forward editing program where I can select the first frame of the section I want to delete.. and the last "frame".. then hit "delete".. and the program will delete them. I have worked for a week trying to figure-out how MM2 deletes..both in the timeline and under ""Clip (using "Set Start trim and Set End Trim") . When I go to the beginning frame of the section I wish to delete and hit "Set Start...".. and then at the end of the section I wish to delete.. and hit " Set End".. I end up with just the piece I want to delete in the timeline.. and the rest of my movie has been deleted. Where am I going wrong?? The same thing happens when I try to delete a section in the middle of a clip. I drag over the section I want to DELETE.. and it ends-up.. that's what I end-up with in the timeline. Wierd way to set-up a progam..!!?? Thankfully I've been able to save a movie.. using TMPG to encode it to MPEG.. and also to author and burn it to a DVD.!! I hope MM2 has plans in the near future.. to be able to gain access to the MPEG encoding and allow us to save to MPEG.. and also burn to DVD with MM2. It's ridiculous to have to go through several progams to accomplish this. It would seem that MM2 has a long way to go.. free or not. I DO NOT appreciate that Microsoft gives us a free capturing/editing program.. then leaves us to pay for encoding and burning software elsewhere. As you may know, when you burn to VCD.. there are no players which allow your to view it on your TV- only on your computer. AND.. the Windows MWV format needs to be changed to MPEG before you can use it to burn a DVD. You need to BUY the software. It may be FREE for a month (as some people tell us), but you need to buy it in the end!
Very frustrated. and discourage

I would appreciate a severe lashing if I'm incorrect!! (And a couple helpful hints!! ) (Big Smile!)



I let it auto-split into scenes for me -- when I have 'stuff' in the middle
of a scene that I want out I advance in that scene to the last frame I want
to keep and then hit that SPLIT button -- this automatically puts the two
scenes together in the collection menu. I then go to the next scene (the
one that now starts with the first frame I really want to delete), go to the
last frame of the 'stuff' I want to delete and hit that SPLIT button one
more time.

Then the delete-able scene should be completely by itself and ready to
remove from the collection...

I only put the stuff I really want to see in my movie in the timeline/story

I hope this helps == I have only used this thing for two weeks...


klsdad said:
Hello.. When I try to cut-out certain "frames" (in the middle.. not at
the ends which MM2 seems to be transfixed on)..of my videos --- ( for
example.. when I leave my camera in "record" by mistake) I need an
straight-forward editing program where I can select the first frame of the
section I want to delete.. and the last "frame".. then hit "delete".. and
the program will delete them. I have worked for a week trying to figure-out
how MM2 deletes..both in the timeline and under ""Clip (using "Set Start
trim and Set End Trim") . When I go to the beginning frame of the section I
wish to delete and hit "Set Start...".. and then at the end of the section I
wish to delete.. and hit " Set End".. I end up with just the piece I want to
delete in the timeline.. and the rest of my movie has been deleted. Where
am I going wrong?? The same thing happens when I try to delete a section in
the middle of a clip. I drag over the section I want to DELETE.. and it
ends-up.. that's what I end-up with in the timeline. Wierd way to set-up a
progam..!!?? Thankfully I've been able to save a movie.. using TMPG to
encode it to MPEG.. and also to author and burn it to a DVD.!! I hope MM2
has plans in the near future.. to be able to gain access to the MPEG
encoding and allow us to save to MPEG.. and also burn to DVD with MM2. It's
ridiculous to have to go through several progams to accomplish this. It
would seem that MM2 has a long way to go.. free or not. I DO NOT appreciate
that Microsoft gives us a free capturing/editing program.. then leaves us to
pay for encoding and burning software elsewhere. As you may know, when you
burn to VCD.. there are no players which allow your to view it on your TV-
only on your computer. AND.. the Windows MWV format needs to be changed to
MPEG before you can use it to burn a DVD. You need to BUY the software. It
may be FREE for a month (as some people tell us), but you need to buy it in
the end!
Very frustrated. and discouraged

I would appreciate a severe lashing if I'm incorrect!! (And a couple
helpful hints!! ) (Big Smile!)


Thank you tuta!
I'm going to try that!!
But.. wish the program worked the way I suggested!


I think there is an easier way - you can select the first bit you want
(eg 0 to 7) then select the other bit you want (eg 11 to 20) by using
those little arrow things to choose the start and end of the wanted
section, then when you play that clip the middle section will, in
effect, be deleted.

David - who doesn't know much but is learning


Thanks Quiet David

I think I'm beginning to "see the light"! It would seem that the MM2 editing program has you choosing what you want t
KEEP.. not what you want to DELETE!!?? I can't believe it. That to delete a few seconds of video in the middle of a video you need to actively SAVE all the rest.. instead of just marking the segment you wish to delete.. hit the DELETE button.. and you're on your way? Does anyone know of an editing program which works on the basis of deleting sections you don't want, instead of having your ADD all the section you want to keep
Oh.. in my original post I complained about MM2 not using MPEG. Just started to use the Sony Image Mixer program.. and it does all its work in MPEG.. right off!


When I think about it I guess it does make sense, tho like you I owuld have thought a simple 'select and delete' would be the way to go.

I think they do it the way they do because (well, this is only what I think, not what I know) the editing is NOT done on your original movie file, but rather creates a set of instructions about what should be IN the now edited movie. eg a sort of 'go to the start and record 28 seconds then jump to 56 seconds and record 56 to 98 seconds.....etc etc. eg a set of inclusive statements rather than exclusive statements (eg keep all the
movie except these bits)

anyway, it is fun



Hey.. I've found a way to DELETE "TRIM" sections of movies from the "Delete" viewpoint!

Run the movie, preferably having it displaying in the display window as it's playing

When you get to the beginning of the section of frames you want to DELETE..

use the "pause" button to stop the movie and move the movie to the first frame

of the section you want to delete. Click the the "clip" button.. (the one that looks like a

movie clip under the dislay window) and it will place a "cut" line in your movie

Now place your cursor on the black line and hold dow

your left mouse button. You will see red arrows pointing in both directions.

Holding your cursor button down.. drag it to the left. As you drag it you will see

the frames you wish to delete displaying in the monitor window.. and also the

section of the tape to the left side of where you're dragging the line is becoming clear (unshaded).

(The right side will be shaded.) When you reach the last frame of the section you wish to delete

release the mouse button and the section will be deleted. Then re-run the movie from just before you

cut to see that it's what you want. If not... never fear!! Go up to the EDIT butto

at the top of the page.. In the drop-down menu.. click on the first line "Undo Trim Clip

and you movie will be back together again for another try!! How about that!

I'm using it a lot. Had a great time trimming the fireworks video I shot last nigh

for the departure of the Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth 2 as the sailed from New York City last night

Happy Editing!!

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