web site name on browser showing as index



The bright blue bar at top IE shows the name of my site as index -
Microsoft Explorer. I understood primary file in my site had to be
named in index. I have tried to rename the package name same as my
site name but then it will not load. How can I get it to show my site
name which I think will help me in ranking? Site is;
I used Web Easy Professional 6.0 top make it.



You will need to change the content between the title tag.

The below line is the current content in index.htm
<title> index </title>

which is why it is coming out as index in internet explorer. Go to code view
of your application, search for "<title>" and change the text inside the tag
as desired.

There should be an easier way around this, but I am not familiar with Web
Easy Professional.



You will need to change the content between the title tag.

The below line is the current content in index.htm
<title> index </title>

which is why it is coming out as index in Internet explorer. Go to code view
of your application, search for "<title>" and change the text inside the tag
as desired.

There should be an easier way around this, but I am not familiar with Web
Easy Professional.
OK that did work using view and source and save. I still do not know
how to change it on the software when I do updates and I had the title
like I wanted on that but comes out index on IE. Will have to email
Web Easy Professional for instructions but did manually change it the
way you said , Thanks!

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