web problems



Hi... wierd problem... I hope someone can help.

For some reason, I cannot access specific sites, like microsoft.com and

I checked my hosts file and it's fine.

I have DSL, and I've been checking for access via internet explorer.

Here's the wierd part... I used AOL and signed in using my DSL connection
and logged onto AOL via guest. I tried using AOL's browser (which should be
IE as well if i'm not mistaken), and the websites work fine! I then tried to
use the regular IE again, and still no luck!

So why is it I can access these sites through AOL, but not through IE?

Also, the wierdest thing... I usually use the RUN toolbar to access sites,
and when i try to do: iexplore www.microsoft.com, it gives me an error that
says "windows cannot fine iexplore", but when I just type iexplore with no
website, IE opens up.

Obviously I have a mess on my hands... any help would be greatly
appreciated... I would hate to have to reformat.



Is Internet Explorer set up as your default browser? CONTROL PANEL /

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