WD3200BEVT Clicking Sound...



Hi, I have a netbook which mounts a WD WD3200BEVT HD.

Since it had this constant clicking sound, with the HD light blinking
accordingly, I ran scandisk with all the options, for about 45 minutes
and... no clicking during the whole process.

The clicking started again when I rebooted. so, it must have something
to do with Win 7 rather than the HD itself, I guess.

I am running Win Pro 7 x64, BTW...

There is no firmware update available, so I really don't know how to
fix. Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for any help you may provide...

Ciao, Lupo

John McGaw

Hi, I have a netbook which mounts a WD WD3200BEVT HD.

Since it had this constant clicking sound, with the HD light blinking
accordingly, I ran scandisk with all the options, for about 45 minutes
and... no clicking during the whole process.

The clicking started again when I rebooted. so, it must have something
to do with Win 7 rather than the HD itself, I guess.

I am running Win Pro 7 x64, BTW...

There is no firmware update available, so I really don't know how to
fix. Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for any help you may provide...

Ciao, Lupo

W7 indexing in the background?


W7 indexing in the background?

It could be... But, I installed quietHDD as a TSR and the noise
stopped immediately. I just hope the software is safe as I have read
around on the Net. Are u familiar with it? See, my big worry was a
defective HD, but that has been ruled out, I suppose, otherwise, the
noise would have continued and I never had a slow down or a crash...

Anyway, thank you for the suggestion. I will also try HDPARM for
Windows, as soon as I find the correct parameters to use...

Ciao, Lupo

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