Warning about Internet Explorer 8

  • Thread starter long time windows user
  • Start date

long time windows user

They have done it again. Microsoft geeks take a perfectly good
product Internet Explorer 7 and mess it up. They just can't keep
their dirty little paws off that source code, can they? The URL drop
down now gives you an assortment of locations on your hard drive,
something like Windows Explorer. Maybe they got the two mixed up, eh?


long said:
They have done it again. Microsoft geeks take a perfectly good
product Internet Explorer 7 and mess it up. They just can't keep
their dirty little paws off that source code, can they? The URL drop
down now gives you an assortment of locations on your hard drive,
something like Windows Explorer. Maybe they got the two mixed up, eh?

Why are you using Internet Exploder? Use Firefox, Chrome or Opera
instead of the virus prone IE.

Tom Allen

long time windows user said:
They have done it again. Microsoft geeks take a perfectly good
product Internet Explorer 7 and mess it up. They just can't keep
their dirty little paws off that source code, can they? The URL drop
down now gives you an assortment of locations on your hard drive,
something like Windows Explorer. Maybe they got the two mixed up, eh?

Yes, it gives you some browsing history whatever it might contain and
whether or not you recognise the locations. I don't know of a way of
restricting it to remote locations only but because of the way I work I
see few local files.


long time windows user

Why are you using Internet Exploder? Use Firefox, Chrome or Opera
instead of the virus prone IE.

I use IE and only IE and develop web pages that run only in IE because
Firefox and Opera will not run many of the JavaScript programs I write
and will not run the Windows Medai plugin correctly.
I used to spend up to two weeks to get my JavaScript to run in
Netscape after it ran perfect in IE. Then I wised up and found out
hardly anyone runs aything but IE.


long said:
I use IE and only IE and develop web pages that run only in IE because
Firefox and Opera will not run many of the JavaScript programs I write
and will not run the Windows Medai plugin correctly.
I used to spend up to two weeks to get my JavaScript to run in
Netscape after it ran perfect in IE. Then I wised up and found out
hardly anyone runs aything but IE.

Wise up again and realize that IE usage is dropping like an iron anvil
out the proverbial Window. Firefox and Chrome are taking IE's place so
if you want to be up-to-date ...


Frank said:
Delusional & desperate...again...as usual?

Firefox and Chrome are taking IE's place so

Only in your delusional dreams *sport*!

Nope. Try keeping up-to-date with the news instead of dreaming up more
lies about me to post every day.


Frank said:
Well cody, keep pulling those bogus numbers out of your ass and I'll
keep on kicking your dumb, stupid, ignorant ass.
Your choice *sport*!

Just the fact that someone is stupid enough to *use* IE writes volumes.
Of course, you proudly use IE.


Frank said:
hehehe...yeah right...you are the troglodyte here. Just the fact that
you troll this Vista ng and the Windows 7 ng and you don't even own nor
use either of those OS's speak volumes about your mental state *sport*!

I warn people against using IE and give solid evidence as to why they
shouldn't use it and you hurl insults and lies like a school boy and
you're asking me why I am here!?


Frank said:
You can't site one case of anyone having been a victim of this type of
very complicated attack can you? You only post your MS hatred here
because MS proly caught you stealing from them.
Get a life loser.

Friends don't let friends use IE. Course, being as you don't have any
friends, you needn't heed that advice.

long time windows user

Friends don't let friends use IE. Course, being as you don't have any
friends, you needn't heed that advice.

I have been writing web pages, flash video, and JavaScript computer
programs, Fortran IV programs, Fortran II programs, Basic programs,
and PL/1 programs since
1963. That is probably before the best part of you ran down your
daddy's leg. So I think I know what I am doing and IE and Windows are


long said:
I have been writing web pages, flash video, and JavaScript computer
programs, Fortran IV programs, Fortran II programs, Basic programs,
and PL/1 programs since
1963. That is probably before the best part of you ran down your
daddy's leg. So I think I know what I am doing and IE and Windows are

Sorry, but despite your bragging, you're full of shit.


I use IE and only IE and develop web pages that run only in IE because
Firefox and Opera will not run many of the JavaScript programs I write
and will not run the Windows Medai plugin correctly.
I used to spend up to two weeks to get my JavaScript to run in
Netscape after it ran perfect in IE. Then I wised up and found out
hardly anyone runs aything but IE.

You're being short-sighted. Check the statistics at your web host.
Typically 20-25% of your customers are using some Mozilla derivative.

If your code doesn't run in Mozilla (Netscape is passe) then you are
not writing ECMA standard code. That's a shortcoming on your part, not
the browser's part. If you require a plug in that is MS specific, then
again you are being short-sighted.

MS IE is LOSING market share, not gaining it. Time to wake up, smell
the coffee, and become a proper web developer.


You're being short-sighted. Check the statistics at your web host.
Typically 20-25% of your customers are using some Mozilla derivative.

If your code doesn't run in Mozilla (Netscape is passe) then you are
not writing ECMA standard code. That's a shortcoming on your part, not
the browser's part. If you require a plug in that is MS specific, then
again you are being short-sighted.

MS IE is LOSING market share, not gaining it. Time to wake up, smell
the coffee, and become a proper web developer.
There are three kinds of populace
1. Those that make things happen
2. Those that watch things happen
3. Those that say, "what happened?"

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