W2K SP4 update etc



After getting MSBlast.A about fourth hour of it beeing out
there I removed the worm and installed W2K SP4 update and
the patch. Everything went fine but...

From the the time of the updates I see an icon on my task
bar pointing to automatic windows updates. It looks
authentic, but how can I check that it is really looking
for and eventually downloading legitimate Microsoft

Will appreciate some hints (sorry if it looks paranoic,
also for this fakenet in the address but I am getting 40
plus spam messages daily)



Hi Jan

This is a new Feature of Windows 2000 that came with SP3 and SP4. It's a
Windows Component. To enable/disable/schedule your 'Automatic Updates', do

- Goto START-> 'Control Panel'

- In 'Control Panel' open the 'Automatic Updates' Icon

- There, you can configure this Feature to your likings.

For in-depth Information, read those MS KB-Articles:

- "HOW TO: Configure and Use Automatic Updates in Windows 2000":


- "HOW TO: Schedule Automatic Updates in Windows XP, Windows 2000, or
Windows Server 2003":


Hope this helps. Regards,


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