VNC icon in systray




It is passible to hide VNC Service icon on systray ?
I would like to run VNC in Service mode but without any vissible proofs of
it in user desktop.
In VNC there is DisableSystray option in regedit - you can set it on "1" and
this ikon isn't visible but there is so "diableSystray" when you use
Do you know how to make it in RealVNC ?

Thaks for help


Yes you can.If you intend to use VNC to provide remote access to a computer,
you will probably prefer to install VNC Server in Service-Mode. In
Service-Mode, VNC Server can allow remote connections even while the computer
is locked or logged off. The server is configured once, rather than per-user,
and the settings are secured if the host platform supports it.

During the installation, tick each of the boxes which refer to the VNC
Server System Service. This will cause the installer to present the VNC
Server Options dialog, and to register and run the VNC Server Service.

Note that you must at least configure the Authentication tab, otherwise you
won't be able to connect in to your server - this is deliberately the case,
to avoid accidentally opening up your computer to attacks.

At this point, your VNC Server is running and you should be able to connect
to it from a connected computer using VNC Viewer.

If you need to reconfigure or stop your Service-Mode server, you will find
links in the VNC Server (Service-Mode) program group of the Start Menu to
achieve this. See the Service-Mode docs for more details.

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