vista uninstall


groovy granny

I recently perchased a new laptop which had vista home basic installed, but
most of my programs don't work on it and I can't aford to update the programs
I have. I have a XP home basic from my last computer and I loved it as it
was easy to use and I didn't need to update all my stuff. I want to install
XP on my new computer but have never done this before. have already backed
up all my important files on CD, but don't know what to do next. my computer
didn't come with any back up discs of any kind. can someone help?

Mark L. Ferguson

You laptop has very special drivers used for things like the video display,
and mousepad. If you tried to install the old computers XP, you would not
have those drivers, and it would fail to run. Worse, you would have had to
blank the new drive to try that. Having no original install disks for either
system, and lacking drivers for vital devices, you would be ill advised to
try such an ambitious thing.
Contacting the folks who sell the laptop, and asking them for a deal on a
'downgrade' is really your only viable option.

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Mark L. Ferguson

Charles W Davis

groovy granny,

You have a couple of choices. None will be very statisfactory.

1) Trundle yourself down to your local software store and buy a retail
version of Windows XP, then wipe your hard drive clean and install Windows
XP, then you will have to visit the hardware manufactures websites for
drivers for every piece of hardware installed on the computer.

2) Stick with your Windows Vista system. I really don't understand the
statement that "most of my programs don't work." Have you tried to install
the programs using the original installation CDs? You cannot use the
programs that came installed on your previous computer.

Jeff Strickland

Charles W Davis said:
groovy granny,

You have a couple of choices. None will be very statisfactory.

1) Trundle yourself down to your local software store and buy a retail
version of Windows XP, then wipe your hard drive clean and install Windows
XP, then you will have to visit the hardware manufactures websites for
drivers for every piece of hardware installed on the computer.

2) Stick with your Windows Vista system. I really don't understand the
statement that "most of my programs don't work." Have you tried to install
the programs using the original installation CDs? You cannot use the
programs that came installed on your previous computer.

I found myself scratching my head at that statement too. I found that my
printers and wireless adaptors work fine with Vista. I was also able to
install Office '03 or whichever I have. I have not had any particular
problems with my Vista box at all, except for one issue relative to printing
over my home network -- one printer refuses to connect with the Vista box.


Mark L. Ferguson said:
You laptop has very special drivers used for things like the video
display, and mousepad. If you tried to install the old computers XP, you
would not have those drivers, and it would fail to run. Worse, you would
have had to blank the new drive to try that. Having no original install
disks for either system, and lacking drivers for vital devices, you would
be ill advised to try such an ambitious thing.
Contacting the folks who sell the laptop, and asking them for a deal on a
'downgrade' is really your only viable option.

I wonder about that. When I was doing my research XP drivers for every PC I
looked at were readily available from either the chip set vendor or the PCs
OEM. Now I am not going to say you can't buy a Vista Only machine, I have
yet to see one. I made a special effort on this research because I will not
only only run Vista on my PC. That is, Linux and others will work or I just
don't buy it.

So name me one commodity PC you can buy at say Best Buy that only runs

Mark L. Ferguson

Yes, much like all the garbage endlessly vomited out on this news group,
it's all about experience and skill levels.


Yes, much like all the garbage endlessly vomited out on this news group,
it's all about experience and skill levels.

Or double dipping, "You need an upgrade". Oh, I so get a kick out that.


Canuck57 said:
Or double dipping, "You need an upgrade". Oh, I so get a kick out that.
Do You Like Double Dipping Big Boy? Cause If You Do, I Have A Place For
You! Just FYI

groovy granny

yes I used the original discs to load the programs, I'm not that computer
dumb. the programs relate to sewing programs, not to pereferal products,
they all work to a small degree but have compatability problems with anything
but XP, 2000 or 98, and come up with error messages when I try to use them.
have gone to the appropriate websites but all have varying costs to upgrade
to vista compatability so would rather downgrade back to XP, especially as I
have tan original XP disc, not one that came with another computer. I know
that Vista is supposed to be the next great os but I just don't feel
comfortable with the system and want to be able to use programs that I have
purchased in the past without having to invest in more money that I really
can't afford. the computer was needed due to the old one dying.

Lang Murphy

groovy granny said:
yes I used the original discs to load the programs, I'm not that computer
dumb. the programs relate to sewing programs, not to pereferal products,
they all work to a small degree but have compatability problems with
but XP, 2000 or 98, and come up with error messages when I try to use
have gone to the appropriate websites but all have varying costs to
to vista compatability so would rather downgrade back to XP, especially as
have tan original XP disc, not one that came with another computer. I
that Vista is supposed to be the next great os but I just don't feel
comfortable with the system and want to be able to use programs that I
purchased in the past without having to invest in more money that I really
can't afford. the computer was needed due to the old one dying.

One thing to watch out for... due diligence required here... is that there
are newer systems for which -XP- -drivers- -are- -not- -available-. Period.
Check that there are XP drivers available for your system and -all- its
components PRIOR to taking the plunge back to XP. If there are no XP drivers
for your laptop, you may be out of luck as to moving to XP. Even if it's
just one driver not available for XP... say your NIC driver... ahhhhh....



One thing to watch out for... due diligence required here... is that there
are newer systems for which -XP- -drivers- -are- -not- -available-.
Period. Check that there are XP drivers available for your system
and -all- its components PRIOR to taking the plunge back to XP. If there
are no XP drivers for your laptop, you may be out of luck as to moving to
XP. Even if it's just one driver not available for XP... say your NIC
driver... ahhhhh....

I am not saying I don't believe, you, but have yet to find one. Most
vendors are not going to make a PC that can only run Vista.

So give me an example of a vendor/model of a PC that cannot run XP?

Not Me

Many older programs install by default to the Program Files folder.
They also store their data in the same folder as the program.
Vists doesn't like that and will refuse to allow the data files to be
I have found that installing the program into a folder other than Program
Files helps with many older programs.
When you put the original install CD in, don't just let it run, navigate to
the installer manually, right click and select run as administrator and do
NOT accept the default install location.
I made a folder (C:\Compatibility) that I install older programs to. It
seems to help.


I agree with you groovy granny. The reason why is because some of the
programs on my computer does not work properly and I have Win Vista. I have
tried to put Adobe Dreamweaver on my computer and it will not load the whole
program. I have also had trouble with Internet Explorer stopping, yahoo
messenger, adobe writer, I even had to fix the cdrom in this computer when I
first got it because it is not compatible with Win Vista. I bought this
computer from Dell by the way it was shipped to me that way. I also plan to
switch back to Win Xp Pro. I did talk to Dell Tech Support and they said
that to downgrade would not be a problem and that it should work just fine.
I just wanted to let you know that I agree that Win Vista sucks.


Lang Murphy

Canuck57 said:
I am not saying I don't believe, you, but have yet to find one. Most
vendors are not going to make a PC that can only run Vista.

So give me an example of a vendor/model of a PC that cannot run XP?

Sorry... due diligence is the responsibility of the person seeking
assistance. Not my job to do GG's job.

I will say that I've heard some Sony laptops fall into this bucket.


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