Vista Premium upgrade Oops no back up



My files were actually not backed-up before installing Vista Premium...the
upgrade changed every file on my hard...thinking that is was like the old
upgrade where the only files changed was in the windows folder not true. All
programs have to be reinstalled and all music files and photo files are gone.
Is there any way to recovery my lost or changed data?

Fingers crossed!

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

Which version of Windows did you upgrade from? Your files and settings
should carry over without any problems. Could you be specific by what you
mean the upgrade changed every file? If there are some things missing, you
could take a trip to Windows.old which is suppose to be located at the root
of the drive.


I upgraded from Vista home basic. All the programs that were installed on
the computer prior to the upgrade are no longer installed. Like Office 2007
it is asking if I wan to install. All my email is gone. I was using Outlook
2007 All the trial version of software that had previously expire have been
reset. All my pictures and music files are gone.


Sounds like you did a full recovery of an OEM system not an upgrade, Your
Harddrive is set back to the day you first got your computer. Which means
all your old files are probibly gone. Check for a "Windows Old" folder on
the drive.

Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]

I agree with the previous comment, this sounds like a fully system recovery.


That is what I was afraid of...there is no windows.old file. I thought for
sure I choose the option to do an upgrade and not a full install. Oh well
thank you both for your comments.

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