Vista+IE7 HELP!



I just baught this notebook with stupid Vista...and i can't seem to get the
Flash Player to work! I tried everything on the newsgroups site that u guys
posted...i even talked to someone at HP and they couldn't figure out the
issue...all they know is that there is some compatibility issue. I downloaded
the debugger and everything but still it's not working. Everytime i open the
sites it says IE Plugin Installer and then it installs Adobe Flash Player.
But it doesn't work. Everytime i open any Flash dependent site it does the
same thing! My firewall is off. And i tried turning my Norton on and
off...still nothing..
Please Help!

Marcin Domaslawski


Have you tried to launch IE with administrative rigths or rather with 'Run
as Administrator' (right mouse on shortcut to IE)?

Marcin Domaslawski


uninstall flashplayer, reboot, go directly to adobes website and re-install
the flash player from there. (do not let a page like msn install the


omg ur a total genius!! even the HP tech support couldn't figure out the
problem! But btw, why do i have to run as administrator? I mean i'm the only
one who uses this do i have to open IE like that all the time?

Marcin Domaslawski


Generally 'run as administrator' it doesnt mean same thing as in previous
windows. On Vista this option is using to rise integrity level managed by
UAC (User Access Control).

You should use it when you install software or use system's applications
which need this e.g. regedit. IE or generally 'applications to user' should
be launched by normal way.

Marcin Domaslawski


hmm ok...but i installed Flash player from the Adminstrator user and when i
try to run sites in the normal way, it still says that it needs to install
the IE Installer Plugin and Flash player...why is this happening?


So here is a follow-up. I can get the Flash Player to run, but we have
developed an online site that makes use of Flash Forms. Works fine on every
other system (XP PRO) even using IE7, but on mine (V ULTIMATE) and IE7 the
keyboard strokes are not seen, i.e. they miss some letter when typing. I am
assuming this is an issue between IE7, VISTA and the Flash Forms component,
but at a loss on how to fix it.

Any ideas??

Marcin Domaslawski


First of all check what exactly you've got installed: IE -> Tools -> Manage
For flash animations you need Shockwave Flash Object control.

If IE downloads and tries to install but it can't and repeats it again it
looks like IE restrictions. Check settings at Tools -> Internet Options ->
Security tab -> Internet -> Custom Level especially settings with installing
and running ActiveX controls. You can try to reduce security level for
Internet zone for activex installation process.

Marcin Domaslawski


yes i think ur rite...cuz i can't seem to log on to other forum like sites
cuz it says u have a cookie problem. My security levels are set really high
and it's not allowing other stuff to work. Also, I heard that Ie7 has issues
with flash...i dunno wht to do right now. I don't know wht i should set my
settings on so that it will normally. This is desktop with XP and
IE7 works perfectly. I dunno wht the heck Vista's problem is.

Ron Ih

I was having the same problem as J and had unistalled and reinstalled numerous times and flash sites still wouldn't work. I had checked the "Manage Add-ons" and did see Shockwave Flash Object Enabled and still no luck.

I was using the Vista Control Panel to uninstall Flash which apparently doesn't work right. I found the following link from a CNET forum to the Adobe Uninstall utility:

I ran the uninstall_flash_player.exe utility, rebooted and went to and installed Flash from there. I did it in non-administrator mode for IE7 on my Vista X60 Tablet and flash installed and worked fine.

Basically, the problem for me was that the Vista Control Panel uninstall for Flash didn't work properly. So, make sure you use the Adobe Flash Uninstall and reboot.

Hope this works for you. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

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