vista compatability


Adam Albright

You're right. He keeps saying he was only helping the sheep over the
fence but we know differently don't we! :)

You two morons ought to get a room and do whatever you want to do to
each other.


Adam said:
Microsoft's Vista Certification program is BASED ON ACTUAL HARDWARE
TESTING not just following specs as you pretend to know.

You need to call MS certification as you have no idea what you're
talking about.
You're implying that each and every piece of hardware is individually
tested at MS's certification lab. That is simply not true. It is done
exactly as I've outlined in my post.
You are wrong and have no idea what you're talking about.

Adam Albright

Frank has more sense than the two of you together.

Did you come to that conclusion before or after he did you or did you
do him or did you do each other?


you can tell him black is black and he will argue shades.

Speaking also as a former textile technologist do you have any idea how
many different shades of black there are? <g>

Marks & Spencer, the UK equivalent of J C Penney, once did a survey and
found that they had 129 different shades of black thread and zips in

Ian Betts

That is precisely why I said it, he could argue all day about a subject that
he know so little about.

Ian Betts

Name calling again and you call people sick!

He is outspoken to people like you and who can blame him.

Adam Albright

Name calling again and you call people sick!

He is outspoken to people like you and who can blame him.

Frank is nothing be a totally out of control a-hole. If you support
him, that makes you the same. Understand yet?

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