vista compatability



Intellect, go on lets see it.

Adam Albright said:
Give it a rest, you're no match for my intellect. Of course if you
enjoy getting beat up verbally, just ask Frank, please continue. ;-)


Adam said:
Give it a rest, you're no match for my intellect. Of course if you
enjoy getting beat up verbally, just ask Frank, please continue. ;-)

hahaha...don't make me laugh...guess what know that iq # you
posted...sorry...won't cut it..not high enough to do mental battle with
me or most of the posters in this ng.
You don't have the brains nor the intellect nor the wit to keep up with
me or with most of the posters in this ng.

Seems this entire ng now knows you're a joke and are on your stupid case
about all the ranting and incoherent stalking postings of yours.
You're a wannabe and a loser.
I've enjoyed booting your ignorant inferior arse all over this ng for
My pleasure dick head and thanks for the fun!
Now take all those meds you posted about the other day as you've once
again become delusional.

BTW, ever figure our how to correctly configure your computer mr!

Adam Albright

You are not only ignorant but can lie through you teeth. I have read every
thread since I came here and not one of yours gave advice only condemnation.

The facts dispute you. However I don't expect someone with your
temperament to admit it.


brink wrote:

Sure I can understand the frustration. I would suppose that Microsoft
and Gigabyte (in this case) should both be blamed. More so Gigabyte
since they made the motherboard and did not have the proper BIOS already
on it before shipping. A simple error or not. Microsoft should get a
some blame for certifying it. I do not the complete circumstances for
why on either end, so who know why it slipped through the cracks. At
least there was a updated BIOS that solved the problem.

I believe certification works this way:
Gigabyte (in this case) sends MS the specs of the hardware and MS
supplies permission for Gigabyte to say..."Vista ready/certified" or
whatever the proper terminology is.
It's then up to Gigabyte to ship the hardware with the same or better
specs that they has MS certify.
That the board didn't ship with the correct BIOS version installed is
very telling. It is not up to MS to verify each and every piece of
hardware they certify as actually being Vista ok. It's up to the
Therefore, it's all Gigabytes fault.


My temperament now, I teach this subject and find no one with your ignorance
and aggression towards people who use a system you don't like.

Adam Albright

I believe certification works this way:
Gigabyte (in this case) sends MS the specs of the hardware and MS
supplies permission for Gigabyte to say..."Vista ready/certified" or
whatever the proper terminology is.
It's then up to Gigabyte to ship the hardware with the same or better
specs that they has MS certify.
That the board didn't ship with the correct BIOS version installed is
very telling. It is not up to MS to verify each and every piece of
hardware they certify as actually being Vista ok. It's up to the
Therefore, it's all Gigabytes fault.

You know Frankie, if you were with Jim Jones you would have been the
guy mixing up the kool-aid.

Your problem is very simple. You are such a unabashed Microsoft zealot
you'll say anything and always come running to their defense.
Accordingly you have zero creditability.

Like I said if your were at the mass murder-suicide event detailed
above not only would you be eager to mix the kool-aid you would be the
one handing it out to the kids telling them to drink it because it was
good for them.

My understanding is manufacturers PAY to have Microsoft test their
hardware. It is more than looking at specs. True Gigabyte shares the
blame, but most falls on Microsoft. If the logo is just eye candy and
used for marketing purposes to lure customers then it is worse than
useless, actually deceptive.

Adam Albright

My temperament now, I teach this subject and find no one with your ignorance
and aggression towards people who use a system you don't like.

Then I pity your students.


Adam said:
My understanding is manufacturers PAY to have Microsoft test their
hardware. It is more than looking at specs. True Gigabyte shares the
blame, but most falls on Microsoft. If the logo is just eye candy and
used for marketing purposes to lure customers then it is worse than
useless, actually deceptive.

You've never really worked in any real world R&D testing or discovery
programs have you?
Well, it shows.
Whether MS actually test the hardware or simply set the specs for
certification, the fault lies entirely with Gigabyte. Proof of that is
in the fact that you had to update the BIOS to the correct one listed in
the specs before that board would work properly.
Gigabyte, if pressed, would proly claim the board was mis shipped, as
may well be the case. But reality it, it's all Gigabytes fault based on
the provided info.
As for your other nefariously stupid statements...well...let me ask you
one that the best you are capable of, because it's not
near good enough.

Adam Albright

You've never really worked in any real world R&D testing or discovery
programs have you?

Did I say I did? You know Frankie, you got a silly habit of trying to
build strawman or using fallacies just so you can pretend people said
something they didn't. You're guilty as hell of doing it all the time
and it's a common trait of the fanboy club.
Well, it shows.
Whether MS actually test the hardware or simply set the specs for
certification, the fault lies entirely with Gigabyte. Proof of that is
in the fact that you had to update the BIOS to the correct one listed in
the specs before that board would work properly.

Talk about kook logic. That's a topic you excel in Frankie. The whole
point of the Vista Certification Logo program is to show consumers
that whatever hardware they are considering buying PASSED A TEST that
it can perform as advertised running Vista.

Pay attention. The party that ISSUES the logo certification is
Microsoft. It is up to them to confirm or reject the hardware. If or
not the hardware passes the test based on what Gigabyte did or didn't
do is irrelevant just like when you take your car in to see if it
meets clean air standards. While some fault may line with your car if
it fails the test, it is the state agency that passes or fails your
car that certifies you passed the test.

I don't expect you to understand, you never do, but I trust just about
everyone else will. ;-)
As for your other nefariously stupid statements...well...let me ask you
one that the best you are capable of, because it's not
near good enough.

I can easily wrap you around my little finger without even trying
every time, every topic. Just check Google and take a look.


Adam Albright wrote:

Talk about kook logic. That's a topic you excel in Frankie. The whole
point of the Vista Certification Logo program is to show consumers
that whatever hardware they are considering buying PASSED A TEST that
it can perform as advertised running Vista.

I'm amazed at either how dumb you are or how naive you are...or a combo
of both.
Pay attention. The party that ISSUES the logo certification is
Microsoft. It is up to them to confirm or reject the hardware. If or
not the hardware passes the test based on what Gigabyte did or didn't
do is irrelevant...

Got're really stupid! I mean a first grader could understand
how a certification program works but you can't! Unbelievable! You're a
real idiot...and you have the balls (stupidity?) to claim you're a
genius...never met anyone quite as numb as you are.

I'll explain it one more may want to print this out (you do
know how to print, right...I hope!).

MS puts out specs for Vista compatible mobo's. Gigabyte builds to those
specs and proly sends some completed production run boards to MS labs
for testing. They eventually pass, so the specs are then set. Gigabyte
then manufacturers these boards with the same specs decided on in
MS/Gigabyte Vista compatible testing phase.

Now, and here you need to pay close attention. Gigabyte ships these
Vista spec built boards to their distributors and clients. MS DOES NOT
There is no need to do so.
Got it! It's up to Gigabyte to build and insure that each Vista spec
board complys with the build spec. Got it!
You must've have gotten a board that fell thru the cracks. It had the
wrong spec BIOS. That is not MS's fault. It's entirely the fault of
Now that wasn't too difficult was it?

I can easily wrap you around my little finger without even trying
every time, every topic. Just check Google and take a look.

Yeah right! I googled idiot moron and they're using you as the prime
example...did you know that?

Lang Murphy

No sweat. Your right. I should of said "may" and edited as such. It
should only be used as a suggestion not factual. To many factors for it
to be completely accurate.

Thank you,

I really didn't like posting contrary opinion to your post, but that's how I
feel about it, so I did. Thanks for your gracious reply; appreciated!


Adam Albright

Adam Albright wrote:

Talk about kook logic. That's a topic you excel in Frankie. The whole

I'm amazed at either how dumb you are or how naive you are...or a combo
of both.

That actually describes you Frankie, so clearly you are projecting
again. You are by far the dumbest, always completely clueless, always
loud, always wrong, always lying fanboy in the newsgroup. That's why
we love to play with you.

Never change, you're priceless. You doubtlessly cause many people to
smile and laugh at your constant bungling of every topic. I'm guessing
a lot of people read your posts first when they visit this newsgroup
just to see what dumb as a doorknob Frankie is getting his shorts or
bunched up over now.

You're well on your way to being enshrined in the newsgroup loons hall
of frame. You are a classic misfit, doofus, braggart and all around
nut job. You argue with everybody, you lie about everybody and
everything. You are obsessive, conceited, brash and disruptive.

If they handed out awards for mindless posts you would make the dean's
list. You deserve your own page in Ripley's Believe it or not. Some
day your name may be the answer to some question on a tv game show
where the subject is all time screw-ups.

You're so totally daft you'd be rejected by the Jerry Springer Show if
they were putting together a freak show because you're too unstable
and they would fear you would bite some members of the audience.

Your only redeeming quality is you provide a few moments of laughter,
a pause in other people's busy schedules. That's you're talent. Since
nobody is as screwed-up, nobody is more off the wall, nobody gets it
wrong more often than you do people come to watch your dance Frankie,
and that you do superbly and all anyone has to do to make you dance is
snap their fingers.


Adam said:
Did I say I did? You know Frankie, you got a silly habit of trying to
build strawman or using fallacies just so you can pretend people said
something they didn't. You're guilty as hell of doing it all the time
and it's a common trait of the fanboy club.

I agree, like Frankie writing that I can't afford Ultimate and am
running from the law, as if all ex pats are fugitives. He's also accused
me of piracy. And, of course, the "loser Linux" catch all phrase that he
types without even thinking.

Frank is indeed a very sick individual and I can't imagine him having
any friends or a wife. I guess that's why he spends all his waking hours
here looking for attention by lying and hurling unfounded insults.



Adam said:
That actually describes you Frankie, so clearly you are projecting
again. You are by far the dumbest, always completely clueless, always
loud, always wrong, always lying fanboy in the newsgroup. That's why
we love to play with you.

Never change, you're priceless. You doubtlessly cause many people to
smile and laugh at your constant bungling of every topic. I'm guessing
a lot of people read your posts first when they visit this newsgroup
just to see what dumb as a doorknob Frankie is getting his shorts or
bunched up over now.

You're well on your way to being enshrined in the newsgroup loons hall
of frame. You are a classic misfit, doofus, braggart and all around
nut job. You argue with everybody, you lie about everybody and
everything. You are obsessive, conceited, brash and disruptive.

If they handed out awards for mindless posts you would make the dean's
list. You deserve your own page in Ripley's Believe it or not. Some
day your name may be the answer to some question on a tv game show
where the subject is all time screw-ups.

You're so totally daft you'd be rejected by the Jerry Springer Show if
they were putting together a freak show because you're too unstable
and they would fear you would bite some members of the audience.

Your only redeeming quality is you provide a few moments of laughter,
a pause in other people's busy schedules. That's you're talent. Since
nobody is as screwed-up, nobody is more off the wall, nobody gets it
wrong more often than you do people come to watch your dance Frankie,
and that you do superbly and all anyone has to do to make you dance is
snap their fingers.
hahaha...nice rant bozo but you totally failed to address the subject
matter which only underscores the fact that what I posted was absolutely
100% true.

Have nice day! :)

Ian Betts

I pity your family, anyone you associate with and this newsgroup who have to
put up with your rants but I would never say so.

Ian Betts

Frank I know you probably enjoy bating this idiot but he is such a block
head over technology you can tell him black is black and he will argue
Its a total waste of time telling him that suppliers of parts have to build
to spec, he does not understand even that.

Adam Albright

Frank I know you probably enjoy bating this idiot but he is such a block
head over technology you can tell him black is black and he will argue
Its a total waste of time telling him that suppliers of parts have to build
to spec, he does not understand even that.

Damn, you sure are dense. The Vista Certification Program isn't if
something is built to specs, rather if the actual hardware PERFORMS up
to specs.

What is constant about Microsoft butt kissers like you and Frankie is
you just flap your gums and sh*t comes out. You never back up anything
you claim while I ALWAYS can back up every word.

Here's another example for you two losers to choke on.

Microsoft's Vista Certification program is BASED ON ACTUAL HARDWARE
TESTING not just following specs as you pretend to know. So if any
hardware displays the Certified for Vista logo and it fails to work as
claimed then Microsoft dropped the ball since they certified test
results that something works up to specs that doesn't.

Here's one such example how printers can be tested.


Ian said:
Frank I know you probably enjoy bating this idiot but he is such a block
head over technology you can tell him black is black and he will argue
Its a total waste of time telling him that suppliers of parts have to
build to spec, he does not understand even that.
You're right. He keeps saying he was only helping the sheep over the
fence but we know differently don't we! :)

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