Validation issue.


Nimit Mehta

I want to have a custom validation formula for the
following sheet.

Minutes Line
45 D3
32 V1
23 V1
32 V1

THis is a long coloumn with about 100 vertical entries of
minutes currently being consumed by customers.
D1,D2,D3,D4 ( 4 lines of,V1,V2,V3,V4 ( 4
lines of VOIP device. ) are my 8 calling lines
If the cell in coloumn A is empty next to it written D2 in
Coloumn B, it means call is in progress on line D2. I want
to have a validation that if call on line D2 is already in
progress i cannot enter D2 in coloumn B by mistake. Once
the Cell in coloumn A is filled with minutes, D2 should be
available for entry.
Thank You.

JE McGimpsey

One way:

Select B2:B65536 and enter this validation:

=IF(B2="D2", SUMPRODUCT(--($A$2:$A$65536=""),
--($B$2:$B$65536="D2"))=1, TRUE)


This wont work, because sumproduct "any value" multipled
by "D2" gives error message.

JE McGimpsey

Did you try it? Works find here with the test data shown.

Why do you think the SUMPRODUCT() is multiplying "any value" by "D2"?

What error message?

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