User Account



Hi my name is Jesus and I need help with my pc. for some reason my computer
made another account that has all the same stuff as mine. on the welcome
screen it has the same picture as mine and when i change something on my
account for example the picture or the name of the account it'll change it on
the other account too. its not a virus or spyware because i've scanned the
computer dozens of time with norton and windows live one care. can someone
please help me???

Ronnie Vernon MVP


This sounds like the double user account problem that several other people
have reported here.

The users reporting this problem all have a few things in common.
1. They are using a system with a fingerprint reader.
2. They have the OmniPass program that works with the fingerprint reader.

The solution seems to be uninstalling / reinstalling the OmniPass software.
If the following does not help, you may need to contact your computer maker
to get the proper instructions for doing this.

Here is a message that was posted by a user who solved this problem.

I have two Lenovo notebooks using Vista: both 3000 N100 model.
Unfortunately the Lenovos don't come with software CDs, a they recommend
creating recovery disks which do not have the software accessible.

However, you can access the setup file to reinstall Omnipass in the
C:\SWTools\Drivers\FPRA directory.

All you need to do is uninstall Omnipass from the computer-add/remove
programs screen, and then reload Omnipass from the setup file in the
above directory. Took 5 minutes.

I'm guessing that other model computers with Vista and Omnipass are
seeing the same duplicate icon problem at the welcome screen. If you
search your computer and find the Omnipass setup file, you may be able
to use the same trick.

Let us know if this helps.


when I get windows update, i have lost fingerprint swipe and have to log in
using password. Any suggestions.

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