User Account not showing on start up


Steve Green

I have three user accounts set up on my new laptop running Vista. One
administration account, mine and one for my wife.

When i start up I only see the admin account and mine as an option, my
wiifes account is nowhere to be seen but it exists in the control section.

Very confused so help would be appreciated.

Steve Green

Blimey, should I really be having to edit the registy to do this. This is a
brand new laptop with two standard user accounts on it in addition to the
Administration account.

I would have thought that Microsoft would have assumed that at least one
other user would be using the system apart from the primary and admin.

Not exactly straightforward is it????!!!!

.Joe said:
I have three user accounts set up on my new laptop running Vista. One
administration account, mine and one for my wife.

When i start up I only see the admin account and mine as an option, my
wiifes account is nowhere to be seen but it exists in the control

Very confused so help would be appreciated.


We have an excellent tutorial section. I found one that talks about
hiding and unhiding user accounts. This may help you. Here's the link:

I hope this helps.


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