Use macro to password protect macros



I have a macro that saves my spreadsheet (let call it "Spreadsheet_A") as a
spreadsheet with a different name (ie. "Spreadsheet_A_10_30_2005") but the
same password to open the file.

Other users cannot open Spreadsheet_A_10_30_2005 without my password (and I
do not believe that they have the sophistication to download a program to
remove the password protection). However, they are currently able to view my
macros, which contain the password. I know that I can password protect my
macros by going to Tools-VBA Project Properties, but is there a way to write
a macro to automatically password protect my macros upon exit? Or upon using
"save as"?



One more thing...I keep Spreadsheet_A on my C drive (where no one else can
access it) and I am frequently editing my macros (so I would prefer not to
always require a password to view the macros). Spreadsheet_A_10_30_2005,
however, is saved to our shared drive, which is why I want to use a macro to
password protect my macros. Thanks,

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