USB device not recognized- Why? Works on other PC...



First of all, hey out there! Not been here for a couple of years.
Alright, Here is the issue. HD failure, bought new HD, installed XP Pro,
DL'ed all the updates, sp's etc. Everything went very smooth. Went to plug in
my external HD to copy all my data back to my "new" PC, and here I am with
One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and
windows does not recognize it....etc."
Now what? Why can I see it on my other XP pro workstation and not this one.
Also, I get the same message when I plug in my jump drive. Please help! So
far I have been unable to find a solution.


Andrew E.

DL'ed updates & SP's etc,as in deleted....Hmm,either way,xp sp1 enables
usb on the pc,however the real software comes from the chipset installation
utility from the boards mfg (intel,amd,etc),go to thier web site,locate the
utility for the chipset...

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