upgrading XP home w/ XP pro



Can the stand-alone version of Windows XP Pro be used to
upgrage an already installed version of XP Home? Thanks,

Yves Leclerc

Stand-alone version??

There are two full versions of Xp Pro. Retail kits are "supposed" to be
able to do upgrades. OEM kits (delivered with some type of hardware
component ie: hard drive) will not.

John Ski

Subject: upgrading XP home w/ XP pro
From: "Peter" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 3/24/2004 4:51 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

Can the stand-alone version of Windows XP Pro be used to
upgrage an already installed version of XP Home? Thanks,

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

Ken Blake, MVP

Peter said:
Can the stand-alone version of Windows XP Pro be used to
upgrage an already installed version of XP Home?

That depends on what you mean by "stand-alone."

There are three kinds of CDs you can buy. There are the Full and
Upgrade versions (both of which can be used to upgrade) and the
OEM version (which can not do upgrades).

Are you sure you want to do this? Are you aware that XP Home and
Professional are identical except that Professional includes a
few features (mostly related to security and networking) missing
from Home? Most home users don't need and would never use these
extra features and will see no benefits by upgrading.

Alex Nichol

Peter said:
Can the stand-alone version of Windows XP Pro be used to
upgrage an already installed version of XP Home?

You can use the retail version of XP Pro, either an Upgrade CD or a Full
one (though no point in spending extra for that). You can't use one of
the 'OEM' CDs - they will only do a 'clean' install

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