Upgrading Windows XP Home to XP Professional



I have Windows XP running successfully on my HP Pavilion
2.52 Ghz computer. I am trying to install Windows XP
Professional on top of the XP Home. I have no virus's,
the registry is clean, and there is lot's of room on the
hard drive. Still, I get the following Stop Code:
0X0000007B (0XF7CB663C,0XC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000

This has happened on multiple attempts to install Windows
XP Professional.

Any Ideas how to get around this Stop?

(e-mail address removed)


Pro doesnt install on top of xp home.You'll need to install pro cd,restart
computer,boot to xp cd (set in BIOS if needed),then at info page select
install xp,new copy,delete current partition (xp home),create partition,
then let it format the hd and install.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

That's completely incorrect. Why do you think WinXP Home is
listed as a qualifying product for an upgrade to WinXP Pro?

Upgrading to WinXP from Previous Versions of Windows

The upgrade from WinXP Home to WinXP Pro, in particular, almost
always goes smoothly, as both operating systems use the same kernel.

Bruce Chambers
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