Upgrade from Windows ME to Win2K - sound problems



i recently upgraded from Windows ME to Win 2K on my Compaq
Presario 1700T Laptop. However, now there is no sound ...
does anyone know the solution to this? Even the Sound
controls in the Control panel don't resolve this.

Please help.

Dave Patrick

1.) There is no supported upgrade path from WinME to Windows 2000
2.) Check the hardware manufacturer's web site for the latest Windows 2000
driver for your device.


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| i recently upgraded from Windows ME to Win 2K on my Compaq
| Presario 1700T Laptop. However, now there is no sound ...
| does anyone know the solution to this? Even the Sound
| controls in the Control panel don't resolve this.
| Please help.

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