update kb 832483


Robert Oberle

I have had come up in the last few days,upgrade kb832483.I let it download
the watch it install but it never gets to add/remove programs and will be
asking me to install I t a few hours later.I okayed it at least 4 times

PA Bear

See this recent thread from Windows Update newsgroup:

This update will not appear in Add/Remove Programs. Check your Windows
Update.log and iuhist.xml files for any errors or problems associated with
previous attempts to install. Compare the files you have installed to those
listed under Security Update Information/Microsoft Data Access Components
(all versions)/File Information at

If you /don't/ have the updated files, reboot the system, then go to
to download a fresh copy, or do so via Windows Update Catalogue

You'll want to temporarily disable your antivirus program and any script
blocking component of it before downloading the file to disk (after enabling
the Windows Catalog). Close all running programs (e.g., IE), empty the Cache
(TIF). Install 832483. Reboot. Re-enable your antivirus program.

Windows Update-specific newsgroup:
HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)

Protect Your PC

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Robert said:
I have had come up in the last few days,upgrade kb832483.I let it download
the watch it install but it never gets to add/remove programs and will be
asking me to install I t a few hours later.I okayed it at least 4 times


As the link Robear provided indicates, Microsoft is looking into this detection
issue for this update.

Note that when it is installed successfully, it will not be seen in
add/remove programs, because the update is not possible to uninstall
(unless you are running Windows XP and have a system restore point
created before the KB832483 install that you can go back to).

It also looks like updating MDAC to version 2.8 solves this reinstall "loop"
for many people. You can find the download link here:


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