update folders


Mr. X


Under the c:\winnt folder there are some folders named like
"$NtUninstallKB820888$". I guess that these folders have something to do
with the updates i install from time to time. Are these folder
temporary? Is it safe to delete them? I need extra free space on the c:
partition and all these folders are about 300 MB.

Thanks in advance!

David Brandt [MSFT]

Those folders are indeed the uninstall folders for those updates that you
have installed. They basically contain the files that were replaced by the
files in the updates, so when, or if, you choose/needed to uninstall them
you could, and they would then just replace the existing "new" files with
these older original ones. They can be deleted, with the main drawback
being they will not then allow the un-install of those updates etc.

David Brandt
Microsoft Corporation

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....keep in mind that the updates will still be listed under Add/Remove

You can clear out the corresponding entries under this registry key:


Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Jisha said:
...keep in mind that the updates will still be listed under Add/Remove

You can clear out the corresponding entries under this registry key:


In the link below there is VBScript that will remove the uninstall
folder and the Add/Remove Programs entry for all hotfixes that creates
$ntuninstall... folders under the Windows folders (that means that it
will e.g. not remove uninstall information for Internet Explorer and
Outlook Express updates). The script will work on both Win2k and WinXP.

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