Uninstalling Sp2 due to app locking up comp


Sir Elric

I have just upgraded my computer from a P4 1.6 running XP Pro SP1 to a:

CPU - P4 3.0Ghz LGA775
Mother board - Gigabyte GA-8IPE775 PRO
Memory - PC3200 512MB DDR400 DIMM(2)
Harddrive - WESTERN DIGITAL 80GB 7200RPM 8MB
running XP Pro SP2...

Everything is running sweet except for one app.
Neverwinter Nights runs fine if you play it but when you open the
toolset the computer locks up after about 20 - 30 secs.

My question is if I uninstall SP2 is the system reverted back to SP1 or
are both packs removed?



John Barnett MVP

It should revert back to SP1. SP2 contains all the updates of SP1 so, so
long as you had sp1 on before installing sp2 all that sp2 would need to do
is install updates released after sp1.
Incidentally if you should ever need to reinstall XP you only need to update
with sp2. You don't need to install xp then install sp1 and follow it with
sp2. You just need to install xp and then update with sp2. You may mot need
to reinstall xp but it is worth remembering. It also saves a hell of a lot
of install time.

Sir Elric

Thanks for that.
Also if I uninstall SP2 and decide I want to reinstall it does this
mean I will have to go through the updates process again or can it be
run from my computer ie: is it in a temp folder?


John Barnett MVP

If you want to reinstall it you will either need to download the service
pack again via the windows update site or try to locate a pc magazine that
has a cover disc of sp2 on their magazine. I'm in the UK and most uk pc
magazine have covered sp2 on their over discs. I think I still have three or
four copies myself:)

Sir Elric

I uninstalled SP2 then downloaded a stand alone SP1 and now *touch
wood* the toolset app seems to be stable again.
Thanks for your help...


John Barnett MVP

Glad everything is working ok. Just as a precaution don't forget to disable
auto updates otherwise windows updates will start downloading service pack 2

Sir Elric

The problem returned and it's finally fixed here is what we had to do.

Ok here's the final installment in the new pc saga (I hope).

A friend installed my 128mb 9600SE Radeon on his system with the same
drivers I was using and the toolset runs fine.
I installed his Nvidia GeForce4 Ti 4800SE 128mb and the toolset runs
So it seems it's simple a compatibility issue with that Radeon card and
this Gigabyte MB and that particular app or some such thing.

So I now have XP Pro fully updated to SP2 and every known update known
to man, after a nasty virus I copped during my testing process with no
AV or updates I literally copped it in the back door with the Backdoor
virus a very nasty one that is impossible to remove!

Take my advice regarding this virus and update everything now!!
This sneaky git snuck in through a hole in explorer !
Anyways I'm back in business and it wasn't SP2 afterall.


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