Uninstall Windows Vista



Can some one please help me with the uninstallation of Vista Beta 2. I have 2
seperate hard drives built into my computer, one with XP (C Drive) and one
with Vista (D Drive). I need to uninstall Vista because my computer
manufactoer has not released the drivers I need to make my hardware run on
Vista, and they said they won't release the drivers until January 2007.
Whenever I boot up my computer it asks me which version of windows I would
like to boot. I don't know if this makes a difference in uninstalling it or
Thanks for your help!

Rick Rogers

Hi RJ,

Boot your WinXP CD, load the Recovery Console by hitting 'r' when first
prompted. Logon with the administrator account, run fixmbr, then fixboot
from the prompt. Then after loading WinXP on C:\, format the D:\ drive from
windows explorer.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Jimmy Brush

There's no way to "uninstall" Vista.

However, since you are dual-booting (good choice), you can replace the Vista
boot loader with Windows XP's bootloader.

I recommend using VistaBootPro http://www.vistabootpro.org/intro.php to
replace Vista's bootloader with Windows XP bootloader.

Once that's done, if you don't have any important files on your D drive, you
can format it to get rid of Vista.

- JB

Vista Support FAQ



The screen you see is a normally functioning dual boot options screen.
There are 2 good ways given to solve your problem. I'll add another.

When you say your computer maker has not released drivers to work with
Vista, though, I wonder specifically which drivers you need, because if you
told us we might be able to help you. Most drivers would be specific to
your devices, unless you mean on board sound, or could mean the NIC card
that came with an OEM computer and we might be able to help you get the
drivers you need.

Thanks to KoZe for this:

Boot to XP, insert the DVD with Vista on it.
go to a CMD prompt, go to X:\boot\ on the DVD, type bootsect /nt52 C:

You may recieve an error the bootsect is protected, but it will complete.
Reboot the Machine if all has gone well you will no longer see the bootmenu
and only have an entry for XP.

Now you may delete the boot folder (system, protected) from the XP
Format the Vista partition from XP and you are ready.


ko van Zeeland

Can some one please help me with the uninstallation of Vista Beta 2. I
have 2
seperate hard drives built into my computer, one with XP (C Drive) and
with Vista (D Drive). I need to uninstall Vista because my computer
manufactoer has not released the drivers I need to make my hardware
run on
Vista, and they said they won't release the drivers until January
Whenever I boot up my computer it asks me which version of windows I
like to boot. I don't know if this makes a difference in uninstalling
it or
Thanks for your help!

Boot to XP, insert the DVD with Vista on it.
go to a CMD prompt, go to X:\boot\ on the DVD, type bootsect /nt52 C:

You may recieve an error the bootsect is protected, but it will complete.
Reboot the Machine if all has gone well you will no longer see the bootmenu
and only have an entry for XP.

Now you may delete the boot folder (system, protected) from the XP partition.
Format the Vista partition from XP and you are ready.

ko van Zeeland


Rick Rogers said:
Hi RJ,

Boot your WinXP CD, load the Recovery Console by hitting 'r' when first
prompted. Logon with the administrator account, run fixmbr, then fixboot
from the prompt. Then after loading WinXP on C:\, format the D:\ drive from
windows explorer.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


To: CH

I have not been able to install Vista because B2TR has curropted my machine.
And they suggested I manually uninstall 2007 Office Beta.

Where can I find that uninstall procedure? Thank You.


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