Uninstall remotly



Does anyone know if there is a command line to unistall this app remotly
either with SMS or an AD group policy? That would be so much easier than if I
have to create a custom program to manually remove everything.

Thanks, Jay


Actually I am in need of something similar, I need to take it off of about 20

Bill Sanderson

Another peer here contributed these script lines some time ago. I have
neither tested them nor confirmed their applicability to the current build.
but I've posted them periodically and haven't had any negative feedback--if
you do find these do the job for you, I'd like to hear back:
The second line has a break in it which shouldn't be there--each should be a
single line.
Unattended uninstall:

The command should be:
MsiExec.exe /X {536F7C74-844B-4683-B0C5-EA39E19A6FE3} -qn

If you want a log file ... (note: no space between the /L
and its parameters (ime))

MsiExec.exe /X {536F7C74-844B-4683-B0C5-
EA39E19A6FE3} /Lime c:\temp\msas.log -qn

(from lori)


That seems to do the trick, I tested it on one machine and it removed the
program but not a few logs, the GCD files, Quarantine folder, or the .exe for
reinstallation. All in all not bad at all though. Thanks for the help.

If anything weird happens when I push this out i'll post it.

Bill Sanderson

Thanks for providing the feedback--good to hear that it still does the job.
There is probably a good deal of stuff left behind--I've never tried to spot
it all--there're a few files in system32, and .MSI files for every beta
version that's been on a given machine, in addition to the obvious stuff.



Hi all.
Why not just make a vbscript that uninstall the application and delete the
folder ?
Like this :
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Product Where Name = 'Microsoft AntiSpyware'")

For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.DeleteFolder("C:\Program Files\Microsoft AntiSpyware")

You can add it to your logonscript applyed in AD.
Svend Rasmussen

Bill Sanderson

Probably because you are the first person with the requisite VBscript and AD
knowledge to look at the issue and post here?

Thanks very much!

May I re-post this with attribution, as this request comes up in future?


Be my guest Bill ;-)

I had made a script that checks a logfile for hostnames.
When the host are in the logfile, the script ends.
If the hostname are not in the logfile, it uninstall the MSAS (for old
expired versions), install the new MSAS, and write the hostname in the

Could this script be in interest for others ?
I will publish it here if requested..

Svend Rasmussen

Bill Sanderson

Sorry I missed responding to this one--thanks for the help.

I'm of two minds with regards to such scripts. 1) we should do everything
we can to impress upon hapless admins that this is a beta, it has many
undesirable characteristics for a managed environment, and its a big risk to
have installed in such an environment.

2) I have it on every desktop I work with, and have seen almost no negative
impact, and some significant positive impact--so we should help those who
want to make this decision to do it as efficiently as possible.

3) beta2 ought to be right around the corner, and it will likely be a much
better fit for such an environment--probably better to wait.

So--among these three ways of looking at the issue, your script comes in #2.

I'd say post it. My secret hope is that we'll see beta2 before too many
more folks get tempted to do significant deployments of beta1--but maybe
it'll help with that one too?


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