Unexpected email closes.


Geoff M

About every 2nd attachment to an email which I try to open causes Window Mail
to "white out" , then close, then reopen.

If I then click on the same email & attachment, it usually opens. Does
anybody know what might be causing this? Thanks in anticipation

Al S

Hi Everyone

I've been having the same problem. I have a DELL XPS system that is 3 months
old that came pre-installed with Norton Antivirus and I have never had this
problem before.

I have read online that it can be a problem with Norton, but since it has
only happened recently do you think it could be a faulty update?


Al S

And the strange this is as Geoff M describes, the first attachment to be
opened after starting up Windows Mail opens fine, but its the second one
that results in a crash.

Quite odd!

Gary VanderMolen

"Quite odd" is right, but that's what you have to expect with
Norton antivirus.

Jacques Bakker

I have same problem. Started about Monday last week after I updated my AVG.
Do you also have Vista and AVG and windows mail? I heard this is an AVG
update problem where some essential Vista files are deleted. But have not
found solution yet. Jacques B

Gary VanderMolen

I have not heard about this being an AVG problem.
However, if you suspect that AVG is the culprit, uninstall it, then test
your Windows Mail again. When you reinstall AVG, select 'custom' install,
which then allows you to unselect installing its troublesome email scanning


Geoff M said:
Thanks Gary. I would like to try the alternative antivirus.


I would consider installing the AVG Free AV from

If you do get AVG, use the custom install option, when presented, and
disable the mail scan option.

I have used it for over 10 years, never had a problem, it just does its job.

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