Unable to open attachments



Please help - I have been reading through the threads hoping for some
wonderful solution to my problem. I just recently downloaded the new AVG 8.0
and since then I am unable to open email attachments on this computer. I use
Windows Mail and hotmail, I am not able to accomplish this on either. I have
4 other PC's that have th exact same set up and no problems with them. Yes, I
have gone through my settings and made sure the settings were set. I try to
save the document and I get the error message failed to excute. If I diuble
click to open the attachment, nothing, absolutely nothing happens. I have
tried right clicking on the attachment and send to print....yet
again...nothing, not even an error message. When your work depends on email,
this sort of thing is extremely urgent and I need help. Anyone out there that
actually has real advice to give?
BTW I have tried disabling the aniti-virus program and still no go!

Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]

Disabling the email scanning modules is often not enough, have you tried
uninstalling AVG and doing a custom re-install excluding all email scanning?
You really don't want AVG or any other AntiVirus program scanning your
email. Local email scanning is redundant, it really does nothing but create
problems, and your system is fully protected without it, provided you keep
the resident file system scanner up to date. You might also try downgrading
to AVG 7.5 (again, without email scanning).

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Live at Hot Licks - www.badnewsbluesband.com

Gary VanderMolen

Disabling an antivirus seldom stops all its bad effects.
Did you use the default install method for AVG?
In order for AVG to work properly with WM, you must choose custom install,
which then enables you to deselect the troublesome email scanning module.

If after uninstalling and reinstalling AVG there is no improvement, I suggest
you upgrade to Windows Live Mail: http://get.live.com/wlmail/overview

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