Unable to make changes because cannot login as Administrator. Any help?



My son-in-law has XP Pro which did not hold anything but the
Administrator log-in when installed (so he tells me). The name was set
by the PC supplier (Dell I think).

The 3 grandchildren have between them done something which has stopped
him installing new software and he no longer seems to be able to log
on as Administrator even though the name in the login box is the same.
The Alt+Ctl+Del (twice) can't be used as he doesn't get the Welcome
screen. He has Googled for an answer - no doubt the correct words for
a Google response are not being keyed by him.

Is there any guidance regarding this?

I suspect that at some stage he will need to do a fresh install.



1. What happened when he clicks on the Administrator?
2. Did Windows ask for a password?
3. Was the password being set by your Son-in-law?
4. Did he try running Windows in Safe Mode?
5. Are you grandsons smart enough that they can change the password or
create a false administrator account and disable the original one?

In Windows XP, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del, twice should work. Atleast he should
get a Login Window to fill the user name and password. See if any of key is
not stucked, which is preventing or ignoring the Ctrl+Alt+Del key behavior.

If nothing works then check this out. Posted by "BYTE"

Forgot the Administrator's Password?

How to log on to Windows XP if you forget your password

Password Lost

Hope this help, let us know!

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