Unable to delete files until...



Hi. I've had a really hard time trying delete certain files.

I tried deleting them one by one. I tried deleting the parent

I made sure that I owned the file. I tried the windows shell and
'cmd'. I rebooted and tried again--no luck.

Then I rebooted into safe mode--no luck. I stopped the explorer.exe
process--no luck. I wrote a small perl script which attempted to open
each file for writing and reported that the open failed for each file.

Then I went into cygwin and typed 'rm -rf <parent dir>' and *poof*
they were all deleted.

What happened? Why did all of these other attempts fail and cygwin

Why can't standard Windows tools handle this situation?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Kramer said:
Hi. I've had a really hard time trying delete certain files.

I tried deleting them one by one. I tried deleting the parent

I made sure that I owned the file. I tried the windows shell and
'cmd'. I rebooted and tried again--no luck.

Then I rebooted into safe mode--no luck. I stopped the explorer.exe
process--no luck. I wrote a small perl script which attempted to open
each file for writing and reported that the open failed for each file.

Then I went into cygwin and typed 'rm -rf <parent dir>' and *poof*
they were all deleted.

What happened? Why did all of these other attempts fail and cygwin

Why can't standard Windows tools handle this situation?

Since you don't tell us what you see when you try to
delete these files, we cannot answer your question.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Kramer said:
Did that. Not a permissions/ownership issue.

Next time it happens, try to delete the file while in a Command
Prompt. If unsuccessful, make a note of the exact error
message, then post the output of cacls.exe for the problem

Uncle Grumpy

Kramer said:
Hi. I've had a really hard time trying delete certain files.

Would it cause you some grief if you listed the files you are trying
to delete?

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