unable to access secure sites



suddenly we are unable to access secure sites frome our pc. I have checked the security settings and they seem normal perhaps I am missing something. My server suggested a firewall problem but I cant seem to locate that either.


I had this problem recently. Apparently (and I don't
really know why) I had to reregister wintrust.dll.

Frantic searching on the database led me to this page...

There are loads of other, simpler possibilities, but as
you say it's suddenly happened (like it did with me) I
imagine all the other possibilities are covered.

-----Original Message-----
suddenly we are unable to access secure sites frome our
pc. I have checked the security settings and they seem
normal perhaps I am missing something. My server
suggested a firewall problem but I cant seem to locate
that either.


I had the same problem. Traced it to Norton Internet
Security "Ad Blocking" option. Turned this off and access
to all secure sites worked OK again. Apparently this also
applies to other types of Ad Blocking software.
-----Original Message-----
suddenly we are unable to access secure sites frome our
pc. I have checked the security settings and they seem
normal perhaps I am missing something. My server suggested
a firewall problem but I cant seem to locate that either.

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