Unable to access microsoft sites when my PC is in LAN



Running Windows XP pro SP2
When my PC is connected directly to the DSL modem, I can access to any site
on the web
When I connect my PC thru the LAN it can not access to any microsoft site
like windowsupdate, MSN Messenger, T1msn.com, etc.
Others PC's and laptops connected to the same network can access without any
Pls help

Jan Il

Hi cooper :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

Disable Proxy Settings

Tools>Internet Options> Connections tab> LAN Settings button

Under Proxy server, make sure the box there is unchecked


Can't connect to MSN Messenger

This solution should work for most firewalls, provided the access is not
restricted by domain name, and access to regedit is possible.

Click on Start --> Run
Type in "regedit" and then click OK (without the " )

Navigate through the registry editor to:

Select the "Server" key, Right click, and select "Modify"

Change the value data to:

This will connect MSN on port 80, the http port, is working perfectly for me
behind a draconian ISP firewall.


Why can't I connect to .NET Messenger Service

Can't connect to MSN Messenger

About connecting from behind a firewall


Courtesy of Jim Byrd -

Go in Tools > Internet Options>Click on "Security", select "Internet" and
then "Custom Level"
Search for "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" and disable it.

Disabling this will prevent Hotmail from showing the MSN Messenger status
near your email adress on your hotmail account. If it is disabled, MSN
Messenger wont be asked to run which is most-likely the cause of the

If that works for you, then:

If you have MSN Messenger installed, and you don't use it, you might try
disabling or uninstalling it and then see if Hotmail then works with ActiveX
enabled. (You need ActiveX for Windows Update, etc.) Read all of the
following carefully.

1. See here to disable it: How to prevent Windows Messenger from running
on a Windows XP-based computer
http://support.microsoft.com/Default.aspx?id=302089 Read carefully.

2. A simpler method to completely uninstall it if you don't use it which
you may want to try (rather than messing around in the Registry to just
disable it unless you're very comfortable with that) is to be sure you Exit
from Messenger by right-clicking the MSN icon in the notification area, and
selecting Exit. Then go to Start|Run then enter exactly (I would copy/paste

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemRoot%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Then uninstall the leftover installation information file by going to
Start|Run then entering:

rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128

Then reboot.

3. If you wish, you can ensure that MSN Messenger is shown in Add-Remove
Windows Components so that you can restore it at some later time if you so
desire by going to Start|Run and entering:

notepad.exe %systemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf

When this file opens in Notepad, look for a line that starts "msmsgs="
and then delete the word "hide" if there and go to File>Save, then exit

Then reboot.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Jan, I really apreciate your help, I tried all your suggestions but didn't
fix the problem, actually this in not only with for MSN messenger or NET
passport but any microsoft sites, like microsoft.com, windowsupdate,
T1msn.com.mx, (only on LAN)

big hug
Merry Christmas

Jan Il

Hi cooper :)
Jan, I really apreciate your help, I tried all your suggestions but didn't
fix the problem, actually this in not only with for MSN messenger or NET
passport but any microsoft sites, like microsoft.com, windowsupdate,
T1msn.com.mx, (only on LAN)

You're very welcome. Sorry that it didn't help. This is one of those type
of problems that seems to have no single answer, as the cause can vary with
each user.s machine. What works for 7 may not work for the other 3. The
..com sites seem to be the hardest to pin down. Hopefully, someone here will
have more ideas they can toss in and resolve the problem for you. If you
don't get an answer at this time by today, repost the question tomorrow or
the next with all the details of what you have already tried so you won't
get repeat suggestions that don't work.
big hug
Merry Christmas

Thank you, big hug to you too, and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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