Two copies of same Norton Antivirus


Piotr Makley

I want to have a hot backup system in case my main home PC goes down.

I am thinking of installing Norton Antivirus on the main system.

Is it possible to also install the same copy of NAV and the same
serial on the backup system and even use it on the backup system from
time to time when I test that Net access is ok?

Or does NAV's "Live Update" fail if two PC with different hardware
characteristics try to use it periodically?

Albugo Candida

I want to have a hot backup system in case my main home PC goes down.

I am thinking of installing Norton Antivirus on the main system.

Wrong answer.

Piotr Makley

Albugo Candida said:
Wrong answer.

Hmmm, this make sme think if I am right in seelcting Norton
Antivirus. Is there a better product I should be looking at?


Yes, AFAIK, it is possible to install (and update) NAV on both systems, no

I don't understand the 'Wrong answer' response, either. Posted a reply to
the wrong group, perhaps?

Cheers, and good luck.

Nick H.

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