Turning Certain Features Off/On



Questions on certain features which functioned as I wished them to
before my system crashed several months ago. I formatted the hard
disk and reinstalled WinXP Home w/SP2 and apps.

1. Iomega Zip 250 drive: When I load a disk in this drive, after a
slight delay, a Windows Explorer page appears showing the folders and
files contained on the disk. How do I disable this annoying feature?

2. External hard drive: When I power up this drive, an Autoplay
window appears and cycles thru all the folders on the drive. How do I
disable this equally annoying feature?

3. Power management: In Control Panel/Appearance and Themes/Choose a
Screen Saver/Power, it shows Home/Office Desk under Power Schemes,
Turn Off monitor after 5 minutes, and Turn Off Hard Drive after 20
minutes. This feature worked as shown before my system crash; now it
doesn't work. I loaded the Drivers disk which came with the system,
but I could not find any driver that would indicate it should be
installed to solve this prpblem. How do I enable these features?

Thanks in advance for all suggestions. Please post to this forum.

Joe Wright

Questions on certain features which functioned as I wished them to
before my system crashed several months ago. I formatted the hard
disk and reinstalled WinXP Home w/SP2 and apps.

1. Iomega Zip 250 drive: When I load a disk in this drive, after a
slight delay, a Windows Explorer page appears showing the folders and
files contained on the disk. How do I disable this annoying feature?

In "My Computer" right-click the device, click Properties, AutoPlay tab
and change the action you want performed on that device.
2. External hard drive: When I power up this drive, an Autoplay
window appears and cycles thru all the folders on the drive. How do I
disable this equally annoying feature?

In "My Computer" right-click the device, click Properties, AutoPlay tab
and change the action you want performed on that device.


Thanks Joe. I implemented your suggestions, both for the zip drive
and the external hard drive. In neither case did your solution work.
I tried it three times, including rebooting the system after each

Anyone else care to chip in? Also, I still need a solution to
question 3, below.



Joe Wright

Thanks Joe. I implemented your suggestions, both for the zip drive
and the external hard drive. In neither case did your solution work.
I tried it three times, including rebooting the system after each

Anyone else care to chip in? Also, I still need a solution to
question 3, below.



When you click the Autoplay tab, change to each content type in the top
pane and change -each- to "Take no action".

Try the same as above.

Maybe this .reg fix will help with #3:


227. (right-hand column) Restore/Enable Screensaver Tab Settings/Display


When you click the Autoplay tab, change to each content type in the top
pane and change -each- to "Take no action".

It did not work for the zip drive.
Try the same as above.

it worked for the external drive.
Maybe this .reg fix will help with #3:


227. (right-hand column) Restore/Enable Screensaver Tab Settings/Display

Item 1 and 2 of the first entry were already set to "0" and "600".

For the second entry, under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft there was no \Windows

For the third entry, I added the step shown.

I have heard and read so much about the dangers of tweaking the
registry, I decided not to risk entering new under the second entry.

There was no change resulting from the two entries that I modified.

Thanks Joe. If you have any more suggestions, I will be glad to try


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