Transferring files from Win98 to XP



OK... my desktop (which has no CD burner) is running
Windows 98 and my laptop is running Windows XP. I have
about 2 gigs worth of files on the desktop that I want to
transfer over to the laptop. I tried connecting the
laptop hard drive to the desktop as a slave using IDE
cables, but it didn't work for some reason (CompUSA was
no help...big surprise). Anyway, does anyone know how to
transfer files from one operating system to the other?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

HOW TO: Use Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in Windows XP;en-us;293118&Product=winxp

Cables That Are Compatible with Direct Cable Connection;en-us;310576&Product=winxp

HOW TO: Set Up a Direct Cable Connection Between Two Computers in Windows XP;en-us;305621&Product=winxp

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


"yocko" wrote:

| OK... my desktop (which has no CD burner) is running
| Windows 98 and my laptop is running Windows XP. I have
| about 2 gigs worth of files on the desktop that I want to
| transfer over to the laptop. I tried connecting the
| laptop hard drive to the desktop as a slave using IDE
| cables, but it didn't work for some reason (CompUSA was
| no help...big surprise). Anyway, does anyone know how to
| transfer files from one operating system to the other?


When you connected the laptop drive to the desktop using an adapter cable
did you strap the laptop drive to be a slave?


I have no idea. I was just using the fancy terms the
CompUSA guy used to make it seem like I know what I'm
talking about, but I really have no clue. I used the same
setup that I used when I was getting files off of another
laptop hard drive and onto the desktop (which worked
fine). Plugged in IDE cable to the port where the CD-rom
cable is usually connected; plugged adapter into IDE
cable and into hard drive; and plugged this little deely
with a red and black wire that was attached to the
adapter onto the corresponding little deely that was
coming out of the CD drive in the desktop. Worked for
hard drive #1, but not for #2.

And in response to the other guy, I think (I might be
wrong about this), but I think I've tried doing it that
way before and I couldn't get it to work for some reason,
I think having to do with the Win98 to XP problem. But, I
might just have screwed it up somehow.

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