transfering data



I have a purchase order database that i have created. The starting form hs
the supplier info, order date, order number. It has a subform in it that has
the item ordered, description, qty and recieve info. I want to have a
seperate form for the receive part or a tab that alowws you to put in the
info (the items for receiving is: yes/no, qty recieved, date and the delivery
number) is there a way to make this receive form show the product that was
ordered for this order (in other words can i bring the productID (which comes
from the product table) & the product description from the detail subform
into the recieve form.


One way / some ideas for approaching it.

It sounds as if you will need to allow for multiple receive records for
each item ordered. (partial shipments - two delivery numbers....)

Another table with FK to the ordered item.
Yet another subform. If the orders are in datasheet view but are true
children to the main form, then one was is to create a query for the
third form and in the oncurrent event of the ordered items form have it
load a filter in the third form and requery. (at a minimum it will need
to requery the third form. (or have the oncurrent event load a hidden
field on the main form and have the third form as a try child to the
main form based on that field. - no requery necesary then probably)



What do you mean by "Another table with FK to the ordered item", what does
the FK mean?


by FK I mean "Foreign Key". In other words, the ID number or whatever
else you have as the primary Key for the item number for the order. I
will try to show you.

tblPurchase order
PK - physical key of the record auto number
Purchase Order Number
other fields

PK - physical key of the line item auto number
POPK - the physical key of the Purchase order that it belongs to
other fields

PK - physical key of the received item record
LIPK - the physical key of the lineitem in the lineitems table it is
associated with.
# received
Delivery number
(The only reason for this table and arrangement is that you seem to
want to keep track of the items recieved with a delivery number. And
this is the way todo that and allow MULTIPLE delivery numbers.)

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