Transfer speeds



I "bought" 12 mhz speed.

I test at 2 to 3 mhz speed.

I download at 100 to 200 khz speed.



John John - MVP

I take it that you are talking about an internet access package.

Internet speed isn't rated in "mhz", it's rated in Mbps (Megabits per
Second). The old dial up were/are measured in kbps (kilobits per
second). 1 byte = 8 bits, 12 megabits = 1.5 Megabytes.

Is it normal to pay for an internet packaged with an advertised speed of
12 Mbps and receive what you got? No, not at all, call your ISP and ask
them what is going on.



I "bought" 12 mhz speed.

I test at 2 to 3 mhz speed.

I download at 100 to 200 khz speed.




The purpose of computers is to complicate life for complicated people;
simple people can go suck eggs. Winston Churchill

What speeds are you testing? 12Mbps seems to be wireless network
802.11b access speeds and not Internet access speeds, unless you are
using some type cellphone type access.


What speeds are you testing? 12Mbps seems to be wireless network
802.11b access speeds and not Internet access speeds, unless you are
using some type cellphone type access.

You oviously have to know something about the subject to ask the question
right. <g>

I recently got broadband from Comcast via cable modem. They describe the
service as 12 mb and say it runs much faster than that when a download first

I use a FireFox add-on called "Broadband Speed Test and Diagnostics 1.2.5"
to get the 2 to 3 mb figure. Rarely it reports as high as 4 to 5 mb.
Similar utilities show similar results.

Most any download process has a download speed readout that shows me usually
around 150 kb, altho that too rarely shows a higher figure.



Is it normal to pay for an internet packaged with an advertised speed of
12 Mbps and receive what you got? No, not at all, call your ISP and ask
them what is going on.

Against my better judgement I did just that.

As expected they just said it couldn't be their fault. "Everything's green
here!!!" Sheesh - @#$%^. Let me get my hands around that throat!

Obama we can fix in the next election - if there is one. There's no way to
fix corporations that are too big for their britches.

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