text in mm:ss to time


P Boric

_I have times in text format as mm:ss (eg. 03:45) and want to convert them to
time numbers in the same format.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Do you mean you want to convert them in place? Select the cells containing
these "text times", click Data/Text To Columns on Excels menu bar and click
Finish on the dialog box that appears. You might have to then format the
cells to display the way you want.


P Boric

Thanks, it works but with some "details" (I have tried before with similar
function CLEAN and got similar results):

If I use the mm:ss format I get the answer in the wrong order, (for instance
03: 25 I get 25:03 instead)
If I choose format hh:mm I get the right order but I don't know why
Furthermore in this last format, when a number is greater than 30 minutes
(for instance 46:25), I get displayed a different number as 22:25, but
internally is stored the right value, as when I add it othe time as 02:15 I
get the right answer 48:40
Very strange isn´t? I have checked the regional settings and seem are ok

David Biddulph

03:45 will not default to minutes and seconds, but to hours and minutes.

Hershey may therefore have intended not to say =TRIM(A1)*1 but
You may also want to format as [mm]:ss, rather than as mm:ss, in case your
number of minutes goes beyond 60.

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