Techies Stumped - Email text color



New computers installed in the office ... Windows XP Professional ... WORD is
the email editor.

In typing a Word document, I can change the text color to red (or green or
whatever) to make it stand out. (This is TEXT color change ... not "paint")

However, I can't change the text color when I type an email message. I can
bold, italic, underline, paint, etc. but when I highlight a word with my
mouse and click the color button, the color doesn't change.

Any ideas are welcome.

Patrick Keenan

Joyce said:
New computers installed in the office ... Windows XP Professional ... WORD
the email editor.

In typing a Word document, I can change the text color to red (or green or
whatever) to make it stand out. (This is TEXT color change ... not

However, I can't change the text color when I type an email message. I
bold, italic, underline, paint, etc. but when I highlight a word with my
mouse and click the color button, the color doesn't change.

Any ideas are welcome.

First, you haven't mentioned what the email client is or what the mail
sending format is.

XP Pro comes with a mail client, Outlook Express, that supports bold italic
and underline, but not colour changes.

You may, thus, simply be looking at a limitation of the sending format or
the mystery mail client, that doesn't apply to Word when it's functioning as
a word processor.



XP Pro comes with a mail client, Outlook Express, that supports bold
and underline, but not colour changes.

Outlook express supports html email, ergo color font images etc
were this email not a newspost, I would print red blinking scrolling marquee
to make a point but newsposts should be text only.

my answer, to the OP that, like Patrick, I have no idea.


And once you have clicked the "color button" did you click a color from the
palet other than automatic?



Joyce said:
New computers installed in the office ... Windows XP Professional ...
WORD is the email editor.

In typing a Word document, I can change the text color to red (or
green or whatever) to make it stand out. (This is TEXT color change
... not "paint")

However, I can't change the text color when I type an email message.
I can bold, italic, underline, paint, etc. but when I highlight a
word with my mouse and click the color button, the color doesn't

Any ideas are welcome.

Not much to go on for info, but ... is your mail client set for Plain
Text, Rich text or HTML"? Plain text will allow *bold* & _underline_
but not much else. If your reader is set properly, there is a bold and
an underlined word in this Plain Text post.



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