System 32 folder opens on Startup



Hi! Desperately hoping someone can help me..Here are results from attempts
to implement other posted suggestions:

Ran "System32 Folder Opens Upon Boot" from and recv'd msg "Script cannot repair
your issue. The expected registry value was not found."

Not sure if I did this correctly, but tried to access the registry by
running both Regedit.exe & Regedt32.exe. Recv'd msg "Registry editing has
been disabled by your administrator". I'm the administrator but don't
remember disabling or know how to enable editing.

Any other suggestions?


Start in safe mode and run regedit. if it doesn't work you need to rn a virus
scan because it sounds like someone or something has modified your user

Bruce Chambers

ysturgis said:
Hi! Desperately hoping someone can help me..Here are results from attempts
to implement other posted suggestions:

Ran "System32 Folder Opens Upon Boot" from and recv'd msg "Script cannot repair
your issue. The expected registry value was not found."

Not sure if I did this correctly, but tried to access the registry by
running both Regedit.exe & Regedt32.exe. Recv'd msg "Registry editing has
been disabled by your administrator". I'm the administrator but don't
remember disabling or know how to enable editing.

Any other suggestions?

This can be caused by a blank entry, such as can be left behind by
an incomplete program removal, in the
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and/or
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run keys. It can also
be caused by an entry in these same keys that starts with a " / ."

System32 Folder Opens When Logging on to Windows;en-us;170086

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP;EN-US;310560


Bruce Chambers

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