Switching between Outlook Express to Window Mail



Need help desparately. I store all my Outlook Express email in an external
hard disk and plug and play between my office desktop and laptop when

Could I still do the same after changing to Vista since I just bought a new

If laptop is Vista and my office desktop is XP, are they still compatible?
I mean using new Window Mail in laptop but still store the mail in an
external hard disk, then connect the external hard disk back to desktop in

Pls help and shed me light on how to do the new switching and procedure and


Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

ow said:
Need help desparately. I store all my Outlook Express email in an external
hard disk and plug and play between my office desktop and laptop when

Could I still do the same after changing to Vista since I just bought a
new laptop?

If laptop is Vista and my office desktop is XP, are they still compatible?
I mean using new Window Mail in laptop but still store the mail in an
external hard disk, then connect the external hard disk back to desktop in

Pls help and shed me light on how to do the new switching and procedure
and setting.


OE won't work on Vista.
Windows Mail won't work on WinXP.
Windows Live Mail will work on Vista and on WinXP SP2.

Gary VanderMolen

The mail storage formats for OE and Windows Mail are not directly
compatible, although it is possible to export messages from one
and import into the other, but this requires some manual manipulation.
For more on this see http://www.oehelp.com/backup.aspx

It might be better for you to switch to Windows Live Mail since it
runs on both Vista and XP, which might simplify sharing data
between the two. The best way to keep two computers synchronized
is to use an IMAP account (like the free AOL one), or a HTTP account
like Hotmail. Both of those will work on Windows Live Mail, with the
added benefit that a common Hotmail account will also keep your
address book (contacts) synchronized.


I have a similar problem. My OE email was backed up to an external hard drive.

The desktop computer died. It was replaced with a new Dell with Vista and
Windows Mail installed.

The restore function on the external drive won't restore the OE emails into
Windows Mail.

Is there a way to work around this problem?



Outlook Express and Windows Mail store the mail differently, so just moving
the files to your new machine isn't enough. You should be able to recover
old messages and old contacts, but not all the rest of the old information.



If you want your old contacts, bring along the .wab file. After you copy
the files
to a directory on the hard drive of your new machine, make sure the copies
read-write instead of readonly before you import them into Windows Mail.

If this does not import your old contacts, start Windows Mail, click on
Tools, then
Windows Contacts. If the toolbar of the Contacts window does not include
Import, right click in the empty space below the right side of this toolbar,
click on Customize This Folder, then the triangle, then Contacts, then
then OK. Click on Import, then Windows Address Book File (Outlook
Express contacts), then Import, then find the .wab file and click on it.
on Close, then close the Contacts window.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Bruce said:
I have a similar problem. My OE email was backed up to an external hard

The desktop computer died. It was replaced with a new Dell with Vista and
Windows Mail installed.

The restore function on the external drive won't restore the OE emails
Windows Mail.

Is there a way to work around this problem?


If you used Outlook Express on the old computer, see


I have a similar problem. I have XP on my PC using Outlook Express and I
want to view my emails on this machine and on my new Vista laptop. I have
tried following the instruction e.g. entering POP3, smtp, password etc but it
doesn't work. The server "does not respond". One message from PC did appear
on the laptop but then vanished!

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Terry said:
I have a similar problem. I have XP on my PC using Outlook Express and I
want to view my emails on this machine and on my new Vista laptop. I have
tried following the instruction e.g. entering POP3, smtp, password etc but
doesn't work. The server "does not respond". One message from PC did
on the laptop but then vanished!

You have an entirely unrelated problem.

Does your email provider have a Web page with instructions?
Who is your email provider?

Export your accounts from OE as IAF files and import them into WinMail.

Linea Recta

Thanks very much. The description on your site was very helpful. I got my
messages and contacts imported. Finally...


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