Switchboard mouseover oddity



I am fairly new to coding functions so please bear with me. I wanted to add
a mouse over effect to the switchboard. I have found this harder than I
expected. I started this whole escapade with a form not linked to any
table/query. I created a basic function and tested it on a label in the
form. After some time I was able to get it to work with the label and the
form by calling the function on the the label mousemove and detail mousemove

So I tried to impliment the same with the switchboard. Now here is where
things changed, when the mouse moves over the label, it changes the back
color but when it moves to detail it doesn't change back to the previous
color. To make a long story short, after some time messing with the code, I
put it back to the original and tried this. I copied the items and code from
the switchboard form to the MouseMove form but left the original labeil i
created on the MouseMove form. The original label still works fine but if I
try to add another label and add the code to the mouse move event it reacts
the same as the original switchboard problem. So out of curiousity I did the
same thing with another form with 2 labels and copied the switchboard info to
it and the 2 labels worked fine but the anything else I added after the copy
did not.

I am at a loss, has any every heard of this before?


Allen Browne

With odd and inconsistent errors like this, the first thing to do would be
to ensure that the Name AutoCorrect boxes are unchecked under:
Tools | Options | General
Then compact the database:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact
Explanation of why:

For what it's worth, the code below illustrates how to bold the text and
change the foreground colour when a command button gets focus, or the mouse
moves over it. Sounds somewhat similar to what you have been doing.

Private lblMagic As Label
Private Const conHighlightOff = 500
Private Const conHighlightOn = 600
Private Const conCmdForeColorNotSelected As Long = &H606060
Private Const conCmdForeColorSelected As Long = 12941568

Private Sub MagicLabelOn(lbl As Label)
Dim bDoNothing As Boolean
If Not lblMagic Is Nothing Then
If lbl.Name = lblMagic.Name Then
bDoNothing = True
Call MagicLabelOff
End If
End If
If Not bDoNothing Then
lbl.FontWeight = conHighlightOn
lbl.Parent.ForeColor = conCmdForeColorSelected
Set lblMagic = lbl
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MagicLabelOff()
If Not lblMagic Is Nothing Then
lblMagic.FontWeight = conHighlightOff
lblMagic.Parent.ForeColor = conCmdForeColorNotSelected
Set lblMagic = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
Call MagicLabelOff
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set lblMagic = Nothing
End Sub

'Example of what goes in the GotFocus and MouseMove of each command button:
Private Sub cmdReport_GotFocus()
Call MagicLabelOn(Me.lblcmdReport)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReport_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
Call MagicLabelOn(Me.lblcmdReport)
End Sub


Well if this makes any sense, I copied a code in the programming group for
ToggleCtrlColor and tested it in another form and it works but it will not
work in the switchboard form. Strange is how this all goes back to something
with the switchboard or the code with the switchboard that is taking control
of the form.

I did not get to try your example yet but I almost feel that my best option
is going to be build my old switchboard from scratch.

Allen Browne

Did you disable NameAutoCorrupt?

A decompile would not hurt either. Make a copy of the database, and then
enter something like this at the command prompt while Access is not running.
It is all one line, and include the quotes:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile
Then compact again.


Yes Sir, I have done everything you have asked and have double checked my
steps and tried again. Still acts the same and the form MouseMove with the
original label mouseover effects are working but the ones associated with the
items copied over from the switchboard dont, they highlight but dont release
on detail_mousemove (but the original label will).

I just wonder if it is not from the FillOptions code that is causing the

Maybe it doesn't recognise the detail after the build of the switchboard
with those items. Well scratch that idea, I was using prior to this the
HandleFocus() code that I found online which worked somewhat ok but I noticed
that it had issues with a fast click of the mouse or if the mouse was moving
while clicking. I just thought there had to be a better way and realized that
using a simple function I didnt have the problem with the fast click/while

Jeff Conrad

I have a working sample of bolding the labels on the Switchboard form here:


See if that sample works for you.

One thing to note that may be affecting your tests:
A unattached label will generate a MouseMove event, but a label that is
a child of another control will not.
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie - MVP

in message:


Well, after reviewing what you have I see how yours is much better than what
I had. I don't quite understand why the code I wrote worked on one form but
not the switchboard but yours works perfectly.

Maybe you could answer this for me, a lot of the mousemove code I have seen
will cause the property window to flicker rapidly, but as with yours and a
few others I have looked at, it will only flicker once when moving on or off
the control. I know that is a very vague question but I was hoping with your
experience that you might know what I am speaking of.

This has to be one of the most painful ways to learn something (bruteforce
method). But I do love it. A big 'Thanks', to all of you guys and gals and
especially for helping blockheaded people like me.


Allen Browne

The trick to getting it flicker-free is to only change the properties when
they need changing--not every time the MouseMove event occurs.

The code does that by declaring a module-level variable, lblMagic, and
setting it to the one that currently has focus. This variable survives
between events. The code test if the event that triggered the MouseMove is
the same label, and if so, sets the bDoNothing flag to avoid the flicker.

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