svchost.exe slowing down Windows XP




I've Intel P-4 with 512 MB Ram, on Asus P4-VP MX, shared video memory
32 mb.

I've installed Windows XP (c: 12.1GB,4gb free) & Windows 98 (4.93GB,
2 gb free).

Win 98 runs well without any problem.

But windows xp has been slowed down by many times in the recent past.
I don't remember any new programs have been installed or not, I
usually do not install useless programs.

One suspect is that, windows task manager shows that cpu usage is 100%
continuous, when we look at processes, svchost.exe takes 97 resources
of cpu, & takes almost 80-90 mb of ram. This time PC is slowed by many
times. But when I End that svchost.exe process, it starts working
normal, at good speed.

I've checked my pc for any spyware with many scanner, not found one.
Also checked for viruses, its clean, no problem. Using Ace Utilities
to clean up computer regularly. Windows is also up-to-date, all
updates installed.

I think it is that svchost.exe which slows down windows xp. How can I
solve it?

Thank you in advance.


Joe Grover

You can use Process Explorer from sysinternals to view what svchost.exe is
actually running (you'll always have it running).

You can download it at
Be sure to note the location of svchost.exe (just move the cursor over it)
and ensure all instances are running from the same path (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
by default), as some malware/trojans like to use this filename, but they'd
be running from other locations (such as just C:\WINDOWS for example).

But you can use this utility to see what specific svchost process is causing
your processor utilization. For example I currently have 4 instances of it
running on my PC. Two of them are doing nothing, one is running WUAUCLT.EXE
(a Windows Update Automatic Updates process) and the other is running
WINWORD.EXE (because I have Outlook open and am using Word as my email



thank you for that tool,

I've checked with it...

wuauclt.exe (Automatic Updates) under svchost.exe is taking almost 80
to 98% of resources continuously. I've now disabled automatic update
function of windows, but why it is taking too much resources for all
the time that no other activity is possible on pc?

pls advice


Joe Grover

Have you successfully run a manual Windows Update since disabling the
automatic updates? If so, try re-enabling the Automatic Updates and see if
you still have the problem.

Ryan P K

Hello all!

I'm new to the newsgroups and so far am just watching and staying on top of
a few groups. By the way, really got in to all this while studying for the
MCDST. Anyhoo! I stumbled upon this about Process Explorer and already I
have solved a few problems of my own. Thanks, Joe G.

Ryan P K


Hello all!

I'm new to the newsgroups and so far am just watching and staying on top of
a few groups. By the way, really got in to all this while studying for the
MCDST. Anyhoo! I stumbled upon this about Process Explorer and already I
have solved a few problems of my own. Thanks, Joe G.

Ryan P K

Here's the fix for SVCHOST hogging CPU cycles (and memory):

1. Go the to the Windows Update site via the normal method (i.e. under
Tools in Internet Explorer).
2. Don't scan for updates, but rather open the Change Settings page
(on the left).
3. Scroll down and check if it mentions using "Microsoft Update" vs.
"Windows Update". If the option is available, UNCHECK the option to
use Microsoft Update (it will complain, but proceed anyway). You can
then use the usual Windows Update.

The key here is to DISABLE "MICROSOFT Update" and instead use "WINDOWS
Update". You likely have this enabled if you have Microsoft Office
installed -- not sure why, but this does correct the problem. I've
found this in other forums throughout the Internet as well.

Just passing on what worked for me!

Brett Smith
A+ Technician

Earl Grey

I'm sorry, I know you mean well, but Microsoft/Windows Update has
nothing to do with the effect of svchost on a computer.

Earl Grey

Joe Grover

Earl Grey said:
I'm sorry, I know you mean well, but Microsoft/Windows Update has nothing
to do with the effect of svchost on a computer.

Earl Grey

It can, and has happened to many people. When Automatic Updates is running
the wuauclt.exe process is launched by svchost. That's why I suggested
running Process Explorer to see which particular svchost.exe process was
consuming resources and what that process was doing. If he came back and
said it was wuauclt.exe I would have suggested the steps that bretton_s

You can visit for more info.


Leonard Grey

Hi Joe:

Svchost is just a hosting service. By itself it has virtually no effect
on a computer's performance. The service(s) it hosts may have an effect,
but to blame svchost is like blaming the cab that brought the bank
robber to the bank.

That's why we need software like tasklist or Process Explorer etc. to
learn what services are being hosted. Many people think svchost is the

BTW - check my sig. ;-)

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