Submenus don't open in Start Menu



After automatically installing Windows Update KB898461 on 6/29/05 and
restarting XP I got a message like "The Registry was

corrupted during install process...Restoring previous successful
registry....process successful." (Not in those exact


Then I opened the Start Menu. It looks the same, but when I hover over or
click All Programs or any other submenu they

don't appear. The hard drive light doesn't even come on like before when it
was at least looking for my shortcuts.

I had Control Panel set up as a submenu but when I clicked it it appeared in
category view. I also can't view all my Quick

Launch folders as submenus...they appear in Explorer mode as well.
I right-clicked Start/Explore All Users and the subfolders and shortcuts I
had before are all still on the hard drive, they

just don't show up.

I went to Windows Update site and viewed my update history, then clicked on
this update and it said I could uninstall it

through Add/Remove Programs, but it's not listed there. How can I get my
Startmenu back? Is there a registry entry or

System Restore monitoring was turned off when I Got to it after the update.
There are no bold dates indicating a restore point, and the calendar won't
even go back past June 2005. So I guess the sys doesn't automatically create
ANY restore points, even during windows updates if the box isn't checked,


I'm not in as much of a hurry now to fix the XP Start menu and XP Explorer
menus...I believe there are maybe a couple of tweaks here or there that
someone somewhere knows about, even written a macro to fix it. Hello
Meanwhile I've found a couple of free killer utilities that more than
replace the XP Start menu and XP Explorer, adding way more functions besides!
You may not want to go back there yourself after you try them ...

Start menu replacement: XP SysPad V6.1 at
Windows Explorer replacement: xplorer² ''lite'' at
Windows Explorer enhancement: FastFolder by BB ver 3.3.0 at

I'll bet these guys ^^^ know how to fix it!

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