Sub-menus gone in XP.....



Got a question for all you folx out there....

The other day...I used an uninstaller to wipe out an old program.....

After I deleted everything, files, folders, dlls exe's.....I went into
START...ALL PROGRAMS...looked at the programs I had
remaining....clicked on the sub-menu..the little black arrow that opens
up the contents of that program, and all the sub-menus were empty.

That happened in at least 6 installed programs....empty sub-menus....

Any ideas???

Will Denny


Which 'uninstaller' did you use and does it have an 'undo' option?


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


Absolute Uninstaller is the program.....the undo feature...I didnt look
to see if it had one.


Got a question for all you folx out there....

The other day...I used an uninstaller to wipe out an old program.....

After I deleted everything, files, folders, dlls exe's.....I went into
START...ALL PROGRAMS...looked at the programs I had
remaining....clicked on the sub-menu..the little black arrow that opens
up the contents of that program, and all the sub-menus were empty.

That happened in at least 6 installed programs....empty sub-menus....

Any ideas???

You may be SOL. You can try this. Each program that displays this
behavior. Go to add/remove programs choose repair if no repair
choose uninstall then reinstall the program.
Those uninstaller applications have caused trouble since Landmark
Uninstall It.
Good Luck


I appreciate all the help folx.....i suppose I could just reinstall the
programs that had the deleted entries....

I do appreciate the input...thanks for the help.

Wesley Vogel

Are only the program shortcuts missing from the Start Menu or are the
programs themselves missing?

Most progarams, but not all, are located in the Program Files folder.

Start | Run | Type: %programfiles% | Click OK. Look around.

%programfiles% will open C:\Program Files or where ever your Program Files
is located.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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