stop 0x24 error: repair with chkdsk via slaving notebook hard disk OR re-install XP?




I am having a problem with a stop 0x24 error on WinXP Home on a Compaq
Presario 1500 notebook. I cannot access the recovery console because
the stop error appears before it starts up after I type "r" from the
WinXP setup disk screen that provides a repair option. It seems like
the only way I can run chkdsk would be to get a micro-IDE converter or
adapter for the notebook's Toshiba hard disk drive and slave it to a
workstation running XP (or 2k?). Is this the case? I've tried making
boot disks with chkdsk running on them, but that doesn't work because
the boot process just invokes the hard disk's OS and fails.

Or would it better to just run an XP recovery install? I'm wondering
if that would trash the data on the hard drive. Perhaps I should
attempt a repair re-install of XP as a last resort. Instead, I should
maybe try hooking the hard drive up to a master computer before




The recovery disk that came with the notebook is for
recovery the whole OS only. You need an XP CD for
recovery console or repair install of XP.

Take care if you use the recovery CD, it would wipe off
all the data in the C drive. Backup your important files
before using the recovery CD.



You need an XP CD for
recovery console

As I explained, running the recovery console on the notebook is not an
option. The recovery console will not run. The stop error comes up
before it loads.
repair install of XP.
That's what I am wondering if I should do. Will it replace just the
ntfs.sys file? Is that the problem, that the driver is corrupt? Or is
the NTFS driver crashing because the tran log or cache is corrupt?

I think slaving the drive to another system is the only option of
getting the data off of it. Can I only slave an NTFS drive to an NT
system or can I slave it to a Win98 system?



repair install of XP.
Well, I tried this and wasn't able to do it. Selecting the Install XP
option from the XP setup disk also produced a blue screen with the
same stop 0x24 error.

I tried slaving the Compaq presario notebook mini-IDE ATA drive to a
Compaq desktop via the secondary IDE connection (normally used for the
CD-ROM) and a 2.5"-3.5" IDE adapter. I couldn't detect the notebook's
drive in the desktop running XP. I went into "Disk Management" but I
couldn't see the drive. The BIOS are really limited on those Compaq
desktops so I couldn't see how I could set the drive properties for
the 2nd IDE bus. Maybe I need to try this on a more customizable
MoBo/Bios rig. Also the micro-IDE to 3.5" IDE converter might not
connect to the drive correctly so that it can run as a master on the
2nd IDE bus. Pins 41-44 don't have any sockets to connect to on the
adapter that I am using.

Should I try this on another XP machine with more customizable BIOS?

Is my adapter going to work without connecting the last 4 pins on the
mini-IDE side to anything?


Dave Foster

I tried slaving the Compaq presario notebook mini-IDE ATA drive to a
Compaq desktop via the secondary IDE connection (normally used for the
CD-ROM) and a 2.5"-3.5" IDE adapter.
I think I had the adapter inverted. I flipped it around so the pins would
line up correctly (pin 1 to pin 1, etc.) and then the desktop wouldn't even
start. It hung on the WinXP startup animation.

This lead me to believe that there was something deeply wrong with NTFS.SYS
running on that drive. So If I couldn't slave it, how could I create a boot
disk that didn't blue screen. Then I read this post which lead me back to
the Microsoft knowledge base article on this error:[email protected]&rnum=20

I tried doing something like the fix described in the article below, but I
didn't follow the instructions exactly. Instead I tried to make my own
bootdisk from XP startup floppies. Well that was my mistake because there is
no file with the exact name "Txtsetup.sif" on the XP boot floppies. There is
a similarly named file but you can't edit it in notepad to inhibit the
launching of the ntfs.sys driver. So if you have a BSOD and a stop error
0x24 even with the XP repair option, follow these instructions exactly. Even
though they are for Win2K, they work for XP home.;en-us;Q228888

The key is using the Win2k setup disks! AFAIK, you can't edit the XP setup
disks to avoid loading NTFS.SYS.

Finally I was able to run the chkdsk utility with the /R switch. It did run
for about an hour with at least one restart and it reported at least one

Oh yeah, and a big "thanks" ;-) to Compaq support. I couldn't have done it
without your untiring subterfuge of nothingness.

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