Stop 0X0000000A during Shutdown WIN XP HOME



I am operating windows xp home and I have been getting
Stop messages during the final phase of shutdown after it
says saving your settings and goes to Shuting down I am
faced with the blue screen that says :

***STOP 0X0000000A (0X000002DC, 0X000000FF, 0X00000000,

I was told to reformat my drive by a friend, but when I
did I got a C drive currupt message unable to install
windows XP. I was able to recover my system however I
still get the stop error at Shutdown. Someone please help.


-----Original Message-----


Troubleshooting a Stop 0x0000000A Error in Windows XP

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


No help there all of there problems are dealing with
new installs and error while installing or upgrading. I
didn't see anything there that would help this problem.
Nothing that addresed the error during shutdown.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You didn't read far enugh down the page, about halfway down there is this

A Stop 0x0A Error After Windows XP Is Already Installed

Basically though, the problem is the same - there is a conflicting driver or
drivers. Whether it occurs at boot, while running, or at shutdown, it's
still a driver issue.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Sharon F

new installs and error while installing or upgrading. I
didn't see anything there that would help this problem.
Nothing that addresed the error during shutdown.

There is a second section to that article titled "A Stop 0x0A Error After
Windows XP Is Already Installed." Something there may apply.
Unfortunately, troubleshooting driver related problems can be difficult
to pinpoint *which* driver is causing the trouble. If the trouble started
soon after drivers updates and you can recall what those were, that
might at least help to narrow down the field.

May want to take a peek in Event Viewer. There may be more information
there about specific drivers that are giving trouble. Start> Run> eventvwr.msc
will bring up Event Viewer.

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