standby from command line?



Hi: Is there a command that I can run from XP command line to initiate
a system standby or hibernate? I don't want a third party software
unless thats the only way. I don't want to do it with the Power
Options. I'm just looking for a simple command line command to
initiate it.

I found this at MS KB:
But, you can't initiate a standby with it if hibernation is enabled.



Russ said:
Hi: Is there a command that I can run from XP command line to initiate
a system standby or hibernate? I don't want a third party software
unless thats the only way. I don't want to do it with the Power
Options. I'm just looking for a simple command line command to
initiate it.

I found this at MS KB:
But, you can't initiate a standby with it if hibernation is enabled.


in a command prompt type "shutdown" and press enter, it will give a
list of options, see if you have standby mode there as an option, this
command is onky for xp pro, it can be used remotely or locally i have
used it for shutdown/restart never standby though not sure if its
possible with this command


Bill Sharpe

Russ said:
Hi: Is there a command that I can run from XP command line to initiate
a system standby or hibernate? I don't want a third party software
unless thats the only way. I don't want to do it with the Power
Options. I'm just looking for a simple command line command to
initiate it.

I found this at MS KB:
But, you can't initiate a standby with it if hibernation is enabled.

How about using keyboard shortcuts?
Windows key - u - s for standby
Windows key - u - <shift>h for hibernate, i.e hold down the shift key
and press h.
Yeah, you're using the power options, but it's a pretty easy approach...



Tip: You don't even have to hold shift while you press H for hibernate. You
need to hold shift to *click* the hibernate button, because the button is
hidden until you press shift (if hibernate is even enabled at all), but the H
hotkey is still assigned in the dialog. So just WinLogo, U, H.

- skeene


Russ said:
Hi: Is there a command that I can run from XP command line to initiate
a system standby or hibernate?

Guys: Thanks for the replies. "shutdown" doesn't give you an option
to go into standby or hibernate. As for the other suggestions, they
work but not for what I'm after. I didn't elaborate in my original
post but I want to make a simple batch file that I can schedule. That
way I can schedule a system standby.

Getting a hibernate to work is no problem:
But, you this solution won't allow for a standby if hibernation is
enabled. So now my problem is getting a standby initiated without
having to do it with keypresses.


Bill Sharpe

Russ said:
Guys: Thanks for the replies. "shutdown" doesn't give you an option
to go into standby or hibernate. As for the other suggestions, they
work but not for what I'm after. I didn't elaborate in my original
post but I want to make a simple batch file that I can schedule. That
way I can schedule a system standby.

Getting a hibernate to work is no problem:
But, you this solution won't allow for a standby if hibernation is
enabled. So now my problem is getting a standby initiated without
having to do it with keypresses.

Try using the Sendkeys method in a Windows Scripting Host script. You
should be able to schedule this script.

Go to for information on WSH.



Bob said:

Russ writes:

I checked it out and it talks about commands that aren't available in
my version of shutdown. Type shutdown /h to see what is available.
Also, it further pointed to a website
( that had VB
scripts to do shutdown and hibernate. They don't work for me. They
pop up the shutdown box (like you get when you hit ctrl-alt-del and
select shutdown) but stop there.

I still can't find a way to do a shutdown (when I have hibernate
enabled in power options). Hibernation isn't a problem.


Bob I

Here is a thought, Disable Hibernation.
Russ writes:

I checked it out and it talks about commands that aren't available in
my version of shutdown. Type shutdown /h to see what is available.
Also, it further pointed to a website
( that had VB
scripts to do shutdown and hibernate. They don't work for me. They
pop up the shutdown box (like you get when you hit ctrl-alt-del and
select shutdown) but stop there.

I still can't find a way to do a shutdown (when I have hibernate
enabled in power options). Hibernation isn't a problem.



Bob said:
Here is a thought, Disable Hibernation.

Yeah, thats a fix but not the kind of fix I like. I want to be able to
do both periodically. Thanks for your thoughts.


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